Thursday, June 30, 2016

Sweet Potato Black Bean Frittata

Last Sunday, I decided to make us a healthier version of a frittata.  Hubby was complaining about "too many white potatoes" in his frittata, so I went in search of a recipe that used sweet potatoes - Sweet Potato Black Bean Frittata.

I found several online, and this was amazing - sweet potatoes, a red bell pepper, onion, garlic, a jalapeno pepper, spices, fresh cilantro, and black beans.  You bake it right in the skillet you cook your vegetables in, and only need one bowl to whisk eggs.   

Although packed with flavor, I could not even get my 17 year-old vegetarian to even taste it.  Her loss.  I put a piece away for me and two for Hubby's breakfast.

Here's where I got the recipe:  Sweet Potato Black Bean Frittata


  1. I think it looks amazing! We love sweet potatoes at our house! I wanted to grow some this year but couldn't find any greenhouses that carried any. Next year I will order some on-line.

  2. Liz, I didn't get as many planted as I wanted to, but our store sells organic also.

  3. Sam I Am, I added the link to the recipe. It was very good.

  4. About this vegetarian of yours - who doesn't like things with vegetables.... :) That is a great recipe and I just happen to have sweet potatoes that need using!

  5. Susan it was really good. I'm betting it would be good with butternut squash cubed also. Yes, I tease my one vegetarian all the time. I keep telling her she can't count potatoes and cheese as her go-to meal.


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