Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Homemade Peppermint Extract

I decided to make peppermint extract.   We loved the lemon in the homemade frosting last week, so I wanted to make peppermint.  

I picked enough fresh peppermint to fill about a 1/2 cup.

It went into a pint jar with about 1 1/2 cups vodka. I found several variations, but typically it's 1:2 ratio (one part fresh herbs, 2 parts vodka) with fresh herbs.  Correct me if I am wrong on that.

It will sit for about a month, with me shaking the jar often.  This will be used mainly for baking, but can be used as a tincture for colds, nausea, stomach and digestive issues, diarrhea and other ailments. 



  1. I have also heard that spiders do not like the smell of peppermint and when I walked out the back door this morning @ 5am into a web I was thinking about do this same thing!

  2. I have never made any extracts. Interesting!

  3. Thank you! I have my herbs in and I have spearmint and chocolate mint this year and I would like to make something I can preserve for extracts or for flavoring my coffee and tea.

  4. Kim, I may put some peppermint out in the barn. It's time to brush down cobwebs again. I walked into one putting the chickens out. Urgh.

  5. Sandra, I first made vanilla extract, and gifted it at Christmas. Everyone loved it. Then I made lemon (too expensive to gift if you buy organic lemons), and now peppermint.

  6. Sam I Am, it is pretty easy to make. Enjoy!


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