Saturday, June 25, 2016

Garden Goodies ~ Garage Purge

I planted a few new varieties of radishes this year.  I still planted Cherry Belle for canning radish relish.  It is delicious on burgers or what not.  I will be canning it in the smallest jars this year.  We can't seem to eat it up when we open the half-pint jars I canned it in.  Either that, or I need to be more creative.  Maybe try mixing some into peas?  Or green beans?  I guess well see when we get them on the plants soon.

These are French Breakfast Radishes.  I purchased non-gmo/organic seeds from High Mowing for these.  Hubby and I will be tasting the two that I was able to pick.  Due to the second frost we had, we planted later than usual.

Has anyone planted the black radishes?  I have been reading up on them and I find them intriguing.

The garden, after this last rain, was too wet to work in.  That was a total shock.  Today it should be looking pretty nice.  I noticed one two yellow squash seeds popped up (thankful for that).  Also, remember that last bag that we forgot to plant?  It was our fingerling potatoes.  Those are up too.

Since the vegetable garden was left alone, I took to the flower beds and started on that. I still have more flower bed areas and the herb garden to weed.

I also took to the garage (again).  It's a mess due to several kids storing items in thereIn our last house, I had a "craft room" with storage, shelves, etc.  I do not have that luxury here.  I had about 4-5 (maybe more) totes of crafting supplies.  We purged all of them, and made a trip to the thrift.  We packed that car full, and I still have more to purge.  I'm happy with our progress, but I'm not sure I'll be able to convince the girls to help me next time (ha ha!).  I can now get to the heavy bag, speed bag, and parts of the weight bench.  It's a work in progress.  By the end of the night I felt we got a lot of work done.


I was shocked again.  My husband surprised me.  When he arrived home, we went on a motorcycle rideI do declare, we'll be buying new tires for that bike soon, ha ha!   It was a well earned ride for the both of us.  There is a racist investigation going on at his work, and every employee is being questioned a second time now.  It's been stressful for all the employees.

One last ditty.  I can see how my kids can get depressed by being on facebook.  While families are posting their beach house vacations, condo/pool Florida vacations, and what not, they might be lucky to get a nearby camping trip.  Hubby works long hours, very little time off, and we have animals.  When you have animals, especially farm animals, you kind of get stuck close to home (unless you are lucky to have a farm friend who can help).   I am encouraging the kids to alternatives - read a book, go for a bike ride, draw, get out to the porch, bake a new recipe from my "new recipe" stash, and even help me with outdoor chores.   


  1. Inspired by your post about radish relish last year, I made some this spring. It was delicious. I ate it mostly on veggie burgers, but I also put it in a breakfast burrito, and it was really good. I thought about trying it in a grilled cheese or panini, but never got around to it.

  2. k, that's what we are eating it on. A panini sounds good too. I should try that. It's the only way I can get my kids to eat radishes too.

  3. I am ashamed to say my garden isn't even in yet!!! I stayed too cold almost til the last day of May and then the may flies were out. Nasty little vampires I call them and of course they keep one out of their reach by staying indoors. I'm hoping to get at least my herb garden started and probably some lettuce. I've got the trellises and the arbor to put up which will make a big change in appearance even if it isn't a green edible change. Everything sounds to be well with you and you have edibles to chose from! :)
    Hugs for now,
    Beth P

  4. Beth P, we put our garden in late this year. I hope I get a good harvest of everything. Last year we did not get enough peas to freeze any. I think radishes, some tomatoes and a few potatoes. Most of the garden was flooded out last year.

  5. Oh, radish relish...that sounds really good! I just planted green peppers (plants) yesterday but they have flowers so they should be catching up soon. I still have some herbs to plant.

  6. Sounds like you had a busy weekend.
    I'm getting back to normal after the sciatica. I got a load of cat laundry washed, hung to dry and taken down. Then I cleaned and filled the hummingbird feeders. Cleaned and filled the cat feeders and water bowls. Cleaned all their bedding.
    It feels good when it's all accomplished and starting off a brand new week right.
    I pray everyone has a safe happy week ahead.
    God bless.


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