Thursday, May 5, 2016

What's Growing in the Garden(s)?

My bleeding heart is blooming.

 Most of the hostas are up are about up.  I want to split my larger ones, but it's way too wet out to do anything in the garden.

Our shell peas are coming up.

We are getting more rain, but so far, it's not been constant, however enough to keep the ground saturated.  And enough to keep the goats upset.  They cry and cry being in the barn on rainy days.


  1. Everything looks green and beautiful! i didn't know bleeding hearts came up for early nor did I know that goats cried/bleated when penned up! LOL! Have a great day!

  2. Each day that our rains continue I think of and pray for you. The ground is so wet here and even the mowing cannot be done.

  3. Feel free to send some of your moisture northward. Our area is listed as in "moderate" fire danger. Lack of snow this winter has contributed to the dry state of the forests.

  4. Poor goats! I remember mine crying pitifully when the rain fell - they had to come outside to get to their hay feeder and they hated it. Your garden is so far ahead of mine! I love your bleeding hearts.

  5. Sam I Am, I don't recall the bleeding heart blooming so early before. I hope this will be a good summer.

  6. Kim, today the sun came out and is very windy. I am praying it will dry it out, but the grass is still so sloshy yet.

  7. Oh Mama Pea, I had no idea. I hope you get some rain soon then.

  8. Susan, those two boys cry and cry. I feel badly for them, but give them lots of love and extra hay.

  9. My bleeding hearts and hostas are half that size. Don't you just love spring... Hugs, LJ

  10. We've gotten 4" of rain so far this week. My rose garden is loving it - the dog and cats, not so much though.
    Prayers everyone has a safe happy weekend.
    Happy Mother's Day ya'all!!!
    God bless.

  11. Lady Jane, I do love spring. When I was a kid, I would love to go in our backyard in bare feet to walk in the morning dew (in the grass).

  12. RB, rain for that many days straight would be driving me nuts too. Happy Mother's Day!

  13. I'm a barefooter too. I love the feel of grass and dirt between my toes. There use to be an old labyrinth at the Arboretum sheltered in an ancient cedar ring that I'd walk it barefoot while meditating and praying. They bulldozed it to put in a parking lot, and I haven't been back since.
    God bless.


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