Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I am once again joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay-at-home Mom.   It's "Happy Homemaker Monday!"  

This is getting posted late due to my busy day yesterday.  I simply got going with dinner, while our oldest daughter came for a visit.  I never got back to the computer, ha ha!

The weather outside is. . .
 Sunny, but a bit chilly and very, very windy.  Very wet out, so no garden work.  I'm hoping the wind will dry up the ground for us.

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .
  (older photo but same dandelion/egg scramble)

As I look outside my window. . .
  I see my herb garden flourishing despite weeds.

Right now I am. . .
  Getting ready to go put another load of laundry on the line

As I look around the house. . .
  I see the kids are still not getting the swing of keeping dishes done.

On the To-do list. . .
~6 loads of laundry, put on the line to dry, and back down quickly to start mowing
~water/feed goats, chickens, dogs, cats
~put recycling in bins
~sweep kitchen
~mop kitchen
~vacuum all downstairs
~sort bills
~clean off both kitchen tables
~make two large breakfast meals for Hubby to take to work (dandelion/egg scramble and a crock pot of steel cut oats with apples and raisins)
~water house plants with rain barrel water
~check asparagus
~check raspberry plants, cherry tree and grape plants
~cut more oregano
~put egg shells on the garden
~clean master bathroom

~dump scraps in compost

Currently reading. . .
  Nothing.  Not even the newspaper (oddly).

On the TV today. . .
  Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (netflix) season 2

On the menu this week. . .
   Well, we had creamy baked macaroni and cheese with zippy carrots MondayTuesday will be a crock pot roast with veggies.  I'm not certain on the rest just yet.


What I am creating at the moment. . .
  Lots of projects.  Go to my blogpost here to see them.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week . . .
   I tried a "drunken" zucchini recipe the other day with BBQ western ribs and rosemary roasted potatoes.  The zucchini did not have enough flavor.  I added shallot powder to jazz it up a bit.  The recipe called for dry white wine, zucchini, onion, and fresh basil.

Favorite photo from the camera. . .

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes, or Devotionals. . .    

That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in. Lauryn Hill
Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/strong.html


  1. I haven't started season 2 of Kimmy Schmidt yet - because I know I will watch the whole thing from start to finish! It's hilarious.


  2. Sherry, I finished the 2nd season. So funny, and so hard to watch only one show a night too.

  3. Love your photo! I wonder if herbs are more forgiving of weeds, I see the few I planted are doing really well also. Of course, we've had lots and lots of rain so maybe that had something to do with things. Hope you are having a great week.

  4. I haven't had much in the way of *new anything... easing into summer, and didn't get to finish my Viking series... I guess I'll hope for the Viking DVD set again for Christmas from my son!
    I am reading however...for leisure! I haven't been so into that in years, so I'm enjoying old and new literature alike!

  5. Thank you Jean. I do plant some herbs in pots due to the invasive nature of them.


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