Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Achy Body

Just a quick post.  Today is day 3 of back in the garden.  Oye.  My aching body.  I'll try to get a post in when my arms stop hurting.


  1. Hooray for the weather allowing you to get into the garden. Despite the stress and strain on your body, it must feel good to be able to get work done.

    This looks like it will be the second day I've not been able to do anything in the garden because of rains overnight. Our area has been tinder dry so the moisture is a good thing, but I still have seeds that could have gone in already. Patience, Mama Pea, patience!

  2. Kristina, if you are as far behind on things around the homestead as I am it could be awhile before the aching subsides! I am right there with ya sister!

  3. Sending healing thoughts! Take time to recuperate- maybe some Epsom salt baths.


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