Sunday, April 10, 2016

Puppy Casualty

I had a nice blog post ready to post, with this photo, but the story quickly changed.  Zuri had been sleeping on the new rug, and kind of took it over from the other dogs.  It made me smile that she liked the warmth and comfort of it.  And the fact she would stay out from under my feet.


Even though Zuri had a toy in her mouth, and another kiddo was home, this happened.

In a matter of 2-3 minute, while I took photos of my garden, Zuri did this.  The horror.   The shock.  The pain.  The long drawn out sigh........

I've already pulled out the yarn to just below the hole she chewed up, and have started adding new yarn to it. A good, but unexpected project for a bad weather weekend.   This rug will be folded up, and stored, until the pups are older.   Although I am upset, I couldn't be mad at her for long.  Lucky for her, this stitch and the way it's made will be easy to fix.

I was up early today to make sure the fire was going good.  It's very cold out.  We got a bit of more snow (sigh) yesterday, and had expected rain.  I'm not even sure what they forecast for today yet.    


  1. Oh dear naughty pup, just as well you can repair it

  2. Oh, so sorry about your rug but the fact that you made it makes it easier to repair for sure. A store bought machine made would be toast. I'm having some behavior problems with Miss Peeps....she's jumping and scratching and I'm really sad about it as I have tried so hard to give her a loving home but she has been in 'time-out" on the porch twice already today and already sleeps out there at night. She's getting too old for this behavior and I am tired of the scratches that draw blood! She just attacks out of nowhere. We took in feral cats on the farm and they always settled in so I hope she does.
    The weather here has been strange too. No snow but quite the variation in temps from one minute to the next. The time of year when you don't know how to dress in the morning. Take care!

  3. Oh my gosh...puppy damage...I remember when I first got my two pug puppies...way back in 1995. That first year they destroyed so many things. They chewed the legs of my chairs, that Christmas they bit the tree lights...I had 2/3's of the tree decorated and the bottom third empty! The worst though? I came home from grocery shopping and my collection of about 150 sewing patterns were strewn across the apartment, shredded to bits. Pug-a-cide entered my mind, but like you, the long-drawn-out sigh...That was in 1996 and I haven't even begun to replace them all!

  4. Ya scared heck outta me. I thought something bad had happened to one of the pups! A real shame the new rug (hardly broken in!) was the casualty. Good thing you're talented enough to repair the damage. Puppies are like that. There's probably none of us who haven't had some kind of damage (large or small) done by puppies with their need to chew. Darn critters.

  5. Dawn, yes, easily repaired. Just unexpected.

  6. Sam I Am, I hope Miss Peeps settles down for you.

  7. Rain, oh my that is puppy damage. Yeah, it's hard not to be mad too long.

  8. Mama Pea, we went out and bought two new hard chew toys after that (even though they have two). We want to make sure they have one all the time.

  9. Kim, I guess I'll have to get that fence up ASAP, so I can garden soon while the puppies play within sight.

  10. And they looks so innocent! Lovey chews up my kindling when she's anxious, so it has to be stored in a very inconvenient place to keep her safe. I am glad you are able to fix the hole - it is such a lovely rug! Let's hope the weather warms up and gets more spring-like so you can get things done while keeping an eye on those characters.

  11. Whew!!! At least the dog is safe. I was holding my breath for REAL bad news puppy news.
    Hey, maybe she picked up the toy and one of her canines got the weave at the same time. Then when she pulled, well...
    Luckily, it'll be easy to fix.
    God bless.

  12. To Sam I Am - We foster animals. Aggressive cats can be disuaded from jumping, scratching, biting with a spray bottle (plant mister) of water with about a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice in it. Put the spray bottle on straight squirt, carry it around with you and when bad behavior sets in, give 'em a little squirt on the side or flank (not on the face/eyes). Eventually, they learn the desired behavior and behave, or else they stay away entirely when they see the squirt bottle.
    God bless.

  13. RB, I considered the same thing (thinking she caught her teeth).

  14. Susan, funny you mentioned kindling. They both started to chew that up early in their puppy-hood. I had to put it in a container with a lid, ha ha.


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