Monday, April 25, 2016

Homestead Happenings

Hubby and I had a very prosperous weekend.  We started back to cutting wood.  

Boy it felt good to get a start on it early spring this year.  I've been pushing for that for several years now. I think even Hubby was happy to get an early start.

Once that was done, we cleaned up the last mess of barn wood we had, but we still need to roll it with a magnet for nails before we can mow it.  I'm not sure what the plan is for the big barn yet. 

We uncovered a "barn" treasure while doing that job. 

We did not get all of our onions planted yet, but we managed to get 162 planted before the rain arrives again (later today).  Looks like we may get two to three days of rain, so I'll get outside to get the last of those onions in when I can.

We even managed to return our dead trees.  We purchased 6 evergreens for privacy and wind block last May. They were on clearance, and we took a chance.  We returned them, since they did not live.  We may wait and replant next spring, as they are $45/each at regular price.  We need about 21 to cover that property line, so it will cost just short of $1000.00 to do it all in one spring.  I'd be happy if we planted 4 to 6 of them each year.

Hubby and I also planted one cherry tree, and three Latham red raspberry bushes.  I wanted 4, but Hubby said let's start with 3.  I can use the leaves to make tea with too.  We plan to head back and pick up a new Eastern redbud (for color on the homestead), and another fruit tree if we can locate what we want.

Hubby and I even squeezed in a nice Sunday afternoon motorcycle ride too.  Although I was bone tired, I am still glad I went with him.    


  1. Sounds like an nice weekend.
    We are so happy to not be burning wood now. We have't even thought about cutting yet for next winter :)

  2. Sandra, it was a very nice weekend. I have been after Hubby to start cutting wood before the heat of summer arrives (while we have time to do it). Finally, we started early.

  3. You two really did have a profitable weekend! We're talking about getting going on our wood, but the wood working area is still pretty muddy. And we had rain all last night which continues today. Spring rains . . . bah.

    I must be subconsciously thinking about you, your hubby and his new motorcycle. I dreamed last night I was on the back of a big bike with my hubby driving. He hasn't had a big bike for many years, and his trail bike isn't really big enough for two.

  4. Oh Mama Pea you had me in stitches. What a funny dream.

  5. Don't you love finding 'treasures'? Sounds like your usual jam-packed weekend. Glad you squeezed in a ride with your hubby~!

  6. Susan, it has been fun to find treasures. We did jam pack our weekend in too.

  7. Been busy around here too. Bro Tom brought home a bumper crop of reduced fruits and vegies (he works the Produce Department at a local grocery store), so I've been busy dehydrating and freezing. I did find one rather unique way (if I do say so myself) to store the dehydrated ones. I put them in a zipper bag, then hang two or three of them from a skirt hanger and put them in the pantry. They take up far less room than jars or canisters do, AND they can easily be seen and identified at a glance.
    Hope everyone's having a good week.
    God bless.

  8. That's a great idea RB. Have a great week!


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