Monday, April 4, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, for Happy Homemaker Monday.  Enjoy!

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning. . .
~ organic toast with organic peanut butter, coffee (I got a late start, and a sluggish one)

On today's to-do list . . .
-clean bathroom
-fetch firewood
-water goats, chickens etc.
-sweep kitchen
-walk dogs 
-plan meals to deliver to my 84 year-old Dad
-edit an article
....and many other various things
Currently Reading. . .
 Ha!  I'm not sure.  It's been too many days since I opened anything but a Bible.  I'll have to check.

On the TV today . . . 
 ~ The Good Wife, a few oldies (White Lightning), and other movies and shows.

The weather outside is . . . 
 ~ Very cold, cloudy and windy.  Did I mention it is cold? Brr!

On the Menu this week. . .
~Salmon, asparagus
~Lentil soup
~Spaghetti with spinach in the sauce and meatballs, roasted brussel sprouts
~Butternut squash risotto
~Jalapeno chicken,rosemary roasted potatoes, broccoli
~Polenta, topped with tomato and cheese
Breakfast:  Collard Fritatta, Dandelion Egg Scramble

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will . . .
 ~ Crochet, Bible journal or take a nap (ha! That's a joke, I never nap unless I'm ill).

New Recipe I tried, or want to try this week . . . 
 A few of the items on this week's menu are new recipes.  I also have a bread recipe I want to try yet (yeast bread).

In the garden. . . 
 I'm thrilled to say my heirloom kale grew back, and today I see the collards are making their way back into beautiful leaves in the vegetable garden.  My herb garden is springing back to life....
...the green onions are looking great!  Thyme, chive, parsley, lemon balm, and oregano are turning green.  Medicinal herbs are also popping up.  Comfrey has one green leaf, an the calendula has quite a few.

And the roses, daffodils, hyacinths and tulips are up as well.
Although I need to tidy his flower bed up soon.  

Favorite photo from the camera. . .

 Tiger taking his afternoon siesta. He's pretty cute when he's all curled up.

Homemaking tip. . .

 It's getting close to asparagus time, so my tip is that I pick them as they are ready, and place them in a canning jar with water, until I have enough for a meal.  It keeps them crisp and fresh.

Visiting with blog friends, (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye). . .
 Honestly, I've just been reading the blogs I follow, and they are all pretty interesting, funny, and enjoyable to read.

Praying for. . .
 Our family, any special requests.

Bible verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment. . . 
  "The Lord is Good, a refuge in times of trouble, He cares for those who trust in Him."  Nahum 1:7 NIV


  1. I just love kitties all curled up napping! So cute! Have a great week!


  2. Your photos are Beautiful! and so homey! I lave the Fetch Firewood chore! Sigh sounds like a beautiful life hard Im sure! but beautiful The way God Indented. have a great week.

  3. Lovely list, great tip on the asparagus will have to use that one, my herbs are all coming on great I keep looking at the mint I really fancy some mint tea for me it has to be made with fresh mint something to look forward to :-)

  4. Row,it's definitely not like turning on a switch for heat, but it's good exercise and saves us money on the heating bill.

  5. Dawn, you are welcome. I love adding spearmint to my iced tea.

  6. Reading your post makes me want to plant a garden right now! I love all the photos. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  7. Jean, my herb garden is very easy to manage. You just have to know which to plant in pots (invasive), and what will winter over. Rosemary does not for us. I have to dig it up and bring it in for winter. I love gardening of all types. A vegetable garden is the most work, but so worth it.

  8. Is this a blog hop? I love this post! Although I am tired just reading your to-do list, lol. Those eggs are beautiful!


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