Saturday, March 5, 2016

Random Tidbits ~ Puppy Mayhem

I opened the fridge, only to find some grated zucchini I had thawed.  Not letting it go to waste, I made us some zucchini muffins.

These come in handy for a healthy after school, or take to work, snack.  Do you think I can count is as a vegetable? Ha ha!

My stove was already heated up, so I turned down the heat and picked out another recipe in the pile.  Don't worry, I won't share every new recipe.
And I have to warn you - not sugar free. 

 I, for some reason, saved more cookie recipes to try for when Thanksgiving and Christmas arrive.  Remember how I said we cut back?  I will really have to filter the recipes.  Hubby has to watch his sugar anyway, but I made a mocha cookie.

 The recipe is in this booklet.  I'm not even sure who gave it to me (Better Homes and Gardens).

 The are called "Devil's Food Drop Cookies" but may re-name them and call them something like "Mocha Mini's" or other.

 Hopefully you can see the recipe easily.  The recipe may be online as well.  Not sure.

Our grocer started carrying organic instant coffee, and we had some on hand.  This one is pretty good too.  It went into the frosting recipe.  Also, a health store I order from provides a fair trade, organic baker's chocolate.  Also, I used parchment paper.  They are a very soft cookie, so when yo make the frosting, add enough milk to make the frosting easy to spread.

I tasted these without the mocha frosting, and then with the frosting.  The are just plain cookies without it.  The frosting does the trick for these.  If you like coffee, you will love these.  I used my small cookie scoop and got about 57 cookies.  The only bad part is, that you cannot stack these once they are frosted.  A nice treat for a family gathering or group gathering, or work party.

I ate my two, then asked the kids to eat them up and make them disappear.  My oldest daughter showed up with her boyfriend, so that helped deplete the supply.

Speaking of daughter.  She asked me to puppy sit.  I can't recall that I ever said yes.  I remember the other kids saying they'd help.  She conveniently dropped her off two days before her spring break trip.  Without dog food, bowls or toys.  I've already had my first day of no sleep.  I'm sure I'll be needing a bottle of wine by the end of next week.  It's nothing but puppy mayhem here right now.


  1. Pictures...we need puppy pictures!

  2. Kim, if I can get Mia to sit still long enough. It's been nutso here already today. I am sipping a cold nettle tea infusion for energy.


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