Thursday, March 3, 2016

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! ~ From Pile to File Recipe

I finished going through the remaining older recipes, and all have been purged, copied or double copied.  Extras went to the girls, and heirloom recipes passed down.  It was hard to decide on so many of them too.  Many of my grandmother's recipes for dessert required instant pudding and jello mixes.  A few called for pop like 7-Up or Teem.

The only recipes left, are ones that I have not yet tried.  I'll be honest, I purged that pile already, and have reduced it.  There are still some that may yet go from "stash to trash."

Bad news:  I have not found my blueberry pie recipe.
Good news:  I found my pie crust recipe.  

And to celebrate, I tried one recipe I have not tried yet.  I think I haven't tried it yet.  Who knows....

Blueberry Cake using frozen blueberries (Taste of Home has it online, called Blueberry Snack Cake).  Yum!  It's definitely not sugar free, but oh so good.

I tasted it warm - best way to serve it.  As I was eating it standing up and moaning over it's delicious-ness, I started to tell my 19 year-old daughter that I'm keeping it and pointed to where I last had the recipe.

Ha!  I lost that stickin' recipe as fast as I tried it.  I later found it mixed into the stash of recipes I was passing down to the girls. It was kind of a funny moment.

Today I have no idea what job needs tackled first.  I have already brought in the firewood, walked the dogs and about to feed barn cats.  I think today's a good day to get back to my walking, and see if my energy holds up.  I need to work off that second helping of blueberry cake.


  1. Oh Yes, walking might be good. At least it will make you feel better when you have a piece with your afternoon tea! Hehehe!

  2. I could almost taste that cake! I LOVE anything blueberry! I have been winnowing out my recipe file but have quite a stack to go.

  3. Back online again and this week I am writing down the internet recipes I use its been a pain not being able to access them, I will never depend on the internet again Blueberry cake looks yummy :-)

  4. Susan, it was very good. I tried another new one recipe today.

  5. Dawn, I like to have a printed copy for sure.

  6. Lord, that Blueberry Cake looks luscious. In my fantasy, I was picturing it topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum!!!
    I bet you could make it with cherries and other berries too, and for the sugar-conscious, like diabetics-Splenda.
    God bless.

  7. RB, it was very good. I had two recipes to try and I'm not even going to try the other one.

  8. I'll be searching your blog to see if you've posted that blueberry cake recipe. yum.

  9. At Rivercrest Cottage, the recipe is online with Taste of Home as a "snack" cake. Enjoy!


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