Monday, March 21, 2016

Camping Prep ~ Crochet Projects

Remember all those English Walnuts we bartered for?  I was still cracking them this month.  Apparently, the kids have lost their mojo with helping me.

The shells are always saved from these walnuts.  My older brother and his wife gift me their cardboard egg cartons.  

Four dozen campfire starters are in the making today, and I have more shells.

I also took a day off yesterday.  Hard to believe?  Ha!  I did.  I did not do a lick of work.  Other than my hen chores.  My fitbit read under 3,000 steps.  That's a shocker.

I got out my pattern book and crocheted a new pattern.  Know I can say I've completed the basket weave stitch with knitting and with crochet.  

It turned out very thick, and has now been called the "Campercloth."  It's a dishcloth pattern, but I'll use it to scrub a dub dub in the camper.    

Remember my closet cleaning?  The aka "craft storage" area in it?  Well, I found more yarn, so guess what else I am torturing myself with?

I've started another scrap yarn blanket.  I'm still working away on the scrap rug, baby blanket, seat cushions, and a knitted dishcloth.  It's just not right to have only one project. 


  1. Wow, with all those fire starters you are planning a lot of camping trips! I love the new dishcloth pattern.

  2. Kim, we can use them for evening campfires home as well. We have some dead pine trees to cut down and burn, and you can't cook over them so we'll be doing a lot of campfires somewhere this year. Or I'll be ahead for next year. We don't always get walnuts every year. The dishcloth ended up very thick. Makes a great scrub rag.

  3. hello kristina,

    thanks for the idea ...... i have a lot of walnuts.
    your dishcloth is grandious!!!! love the ripple blanket.
    you have a lovely blog.
    have a wonderful week,

  4. Regina, thank you for visiting. For the campfire starters I add a bit of cotton string, then pour melted beeswax over the walnut shells. Glad you like the dishcloth and blanket. This blanket is my second scrap one, and I do love how they turn out.

  5. There ought to be a law forbidding only one or two knitting/crocheting projects at once - you need to have at least four! That is a clever idea for starting fires. I have two five gallon buckets with black walnuts calling out to me from the carport. So far I have been able to ignore them, but I think I may have to deal with them soon.

  6. Susan, yes four or five projects, ha ha! I just found another bag of English Walnuts to crack. Eeek!

  7. I have so many unfinished projects that I have enough to keep me busy for a long time. I did just finish a quilt that I started 3 years ago. For me that's a record .

  8. Michelle, I have project that old as well,ha ha!

  9. Your dishcloths are so pretty, I'm jealous. LOL
    I have myself a rule, one project at a time. Problem with that lately is, at my age and with my eyesight, I'm so afraid of not being able to finish a project that I don't start one at all, and that's not good either, cause I LOVE to do needle work and such, so I'm going to have to give myself a kick to get started on one. I have two sisters that can finish them if I can't.
    God bless.

  10. RB, that's great that you have sisters than can finish your work. I do not. My Mom and Aunt used to crochet, but I self taught myself. I taught a few kids, but they have no interest.


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