Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Snow ~ Library Trip

Quite honestly, it was a relief to see the snow start falling here.  I was getting concerned that the robins were already out, my bulbs were trying to sprout, and the amount of blackbirds I've seen in the trees.  I even saw flies. 

It was sort of a peaceful type of snowfall. They kind that made you smile, hunker down and curl up with a few puppies and a good book. 

However, I like to balance out a work day too, so I took my norwex cloth to another cleaning area of the house - kitchen light fixtures.  They are all dust, dead bug and fly gut free now.  The rag was so dirty, I had to wash it out and put it up to dry to tackle yet another area next.

I never did get a minute to crack open either book I'm reading.

Maybe today. 

Yesterday I made a trip to our little library.  Believe it or not, I had zero books to pick up via the interloan system.  Not to disappoint the librarians, I brought home a copy of Grit magazine.  



  1. Tell us how you like you feel about the new cloth. I hope you get some reading time in today.

  2. Don't you just love going to the library? For some odd reason (or maybe not), I always feel energized when I bring home a stack of books to either read thoroughly or simply browse through. I'm so grateful for our wonderful library in our small town!

  3. Kim, I have two of the norwex cloths. One for mirrors and glass and one "all-purpose." So far the one for smooth surfaces such as the glass I love. The all-purpose one I also used to clean my kitchen sink. I don't wash it in the washer because I only have the two, so I wash them in the sink and hang dry. I will be trying it on more soon. I don't like to use them to "dust" with. I see a lot of dust (we get a lot from burning wood) go flying when I wipe the surface. I tried wetting it for dusting, and that helped.

  4. Mama Pea, I do love to go to the library. It's also on a stick in the "date night" jar because Hubby doesn't get time to go as often as I do.

  5. We got snow here today too, nothing huge, probably just an inch or two, but enough to mess up the traffic with the drivers who freak out the first flake they see. Am so glad I'm not working today too, the crowds and their demands become quite overwhelming when snow is forecast or here. One woman freaked out at our brother the other day because the store had run out of cucumbers. It's like some thing we have a garden behind the store that we can just run out and pick more. LOL
    Going to be very very cold in NC this weekend. Thoughts going out to people and animals that don't have adequate shelter. Thankful though that this cold will kill off a lot of the bugs and their larvae. Here where it's sandy, we get quite enough of every kind of bug imaginable when a winter snap doesn't kill some of them off.
    Prayers everyone has a safe happy weekend.
    God bless.

  6. RB, that cucumber incident is funny. We get some crazy people in the grocery stores here when it snows too.


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