Friday, February 19, 2016

Rosemary Infused Red Wine Update

A week has passed, and the infused red wine was ready to taste.  I poured Hubby and I a glass just before dinner.  

I paired it with a beef/potato/veggie plate.  Not that I am a wine connoisseur, but anyway....

The taste? 

I could just taste a hint rosemary after a week.  I used a Cabernet Sauvignon wine, and honestly I thought it tasted wonderful.  Hubby didn't like it, but he doesn't like all red wines either.

I poured the wine into two dark, clean bottles with screw tops to infuse, then drained and poured back into the original bottle.  Most organic wines that I can find here have screw top lids.

The source I used stated using whole, fresh sprigs to infuse, but I'm sure if I had chopped a few leaves it would have had a stronger flavor of rosemary in it. 

Although I could find information on the internet, I went to the library and ordered several "tonic" books to read through too.  This "herbal journey" of mine has been lots of fun. 


  1. Nice! I think using the Cabernet Sauvignon was a good idea to compliment the rosemary a little. Two bold flavours combined. Congrats on your herbal journey :) Personally I think that "connoisseur" is just knowing what you like. Wine tasting is way too subjective, though I do enjoy reading reviews and trying to taste what the vintner has achieved. I drink white wine with meat and red wine with chicken sometimes. I'm a self-proclaimed wine expert ;)

  2. I'll drink to that!

    You are so adventuresome and fearless when it comes to trying any and all new things that sound good to you. Call me an old stick-in-the-mud, but I say why take a chance of ruining a good bottle of wine?? ;o]

  3. I'm sure you're right that if you chopped the rosemary finer it would release it's oils. I don't have any wine or rosemary at the moment but when I get some I am going to try it. I think it sounds wonderful! I never thought about infusing wines but I love rosemary and thyme and basil although basil may not infuse...not sure. You should have been a scientist....although with all you've done I think you probably qualify by now! LOL!

  4. Sam I Am, I think it made the wine taste better than the wine before infusing it. Science wasn't always my favorite back in high school. It makes me wonder if I finished college if I would have liked it or not, ha ha. I have two science nut kids here.

  5. Mama Pea, I cringed when I put the herbs in the bottles, but was so pleased with the results.

  6. Interesting!
    I bet it would taste good deglazing almost any beef dish, maybe like in beef burgonion (however that's spelled).
    God bless.

  7. RB, using it in beef burgundy(or other) would be a wonderful idea.


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