Monday, February 22, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

Joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.

The weather. . .
   It's a sunshine filled day, hardly any wind at all, and a bit colder.  Rain/snow is on the way this week.

Right now I am . . .
   Sipping a hot cup of herbal bilberry tea, checking emails, and just taking a break.

Thinking. . . 
  I need to check on a recent order I placed, look up some prices on some odd ingredients I may need, and thinking I better get some more organic powdered milk.

On my TV. . .
  Watching The Good Wife series with Hubby when we can, and The Walking Dead on Sunday nights.  However, Sunday the show is on late, and I need sleep.  I'm thinking of skipping it this year.  I am also contemplating dropping cable all together.  I get so tired of a 1 hour show that is filled with 30-35 minutes of commercials.  I'd rather read I think some nights.

On the menu this week. . .
  Sunday:  Baked Macaroni and cheese, carrots
  Monday:  Spaghetti with homemade meatballs, and a veggie side
  Tuesday:  Breakfast, strawberry/blueberry wholewheat pancakes, organic bacon, our home raised eggs scrambled with greens or leeks, and fried potato slices with onion
  Wednesday:  Bluegill fish and roasted rosemary potatoes.  Maybe another veggie too.
  Thursday to Saturday - have no idea yet.

On my to-do list. . . . 
Thankfully a short list today.  Laundry was done yesterday, along with a good coop cleaning.

~tend to the hens
~make a trip to the store
~vacuum and start shampooing carpets
~library trip
~restock wood before the rain arrives
~empty ash pan
~random write, get some ideas down on paper

In my craft basket . . .

I am finishing up a very long over due baby blanket, that requires many hours of work, I have a dishcloth on my knitting needles and I have a basket of rag balls to finish maybe one more rug before gardening season starts.

Looking forward to this week. . .
   Getting more extreme clean done.  I have a few items left on the list  - 1.wash down all walls  2. clean out pie safe (aka the storage cupboard)  3. finish purging my bedroom closet.  I need to make a trip to recycling to clean out my garage (I always feel refreshed after a deep clean), getting homemade breads made and in the freezer (have been trying to do this for weeks and weeks), and looking forward to the weekend.  Hubby and I may take another day (or part of a day) for ourselves.  We call it "date night."

Looking around the house . . .
  I see that I need to get after Hubby to build me my potato/onion bin before the garden calls.

From the camera. . .
  Like Sandra, I have not really been taking any new photos.  It's been kind of a slow month for that.

On my prayer list. . .
  The kids, our family, friends with special requests.

Bible Verse, Devotional. . .  
 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  Galatians 6:9 NIV


  1. We haven't had cable in years (I'm not going to say I never miss it but it is rare). Netflix and Amazon Prime are great for watching TV shows on our own schedule though you do need a bit of discipline not to watch an entire series in 2 days. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Kristina, first time here for me. I followed link from Sandra's blog. I am having so much fun discovering all the new Homemaker blogs. You seem like one hard working mama! I wish I had your energy. your farm sounds wonderful! I am with you on the cable comment. We got rid of ours about three years ago. We do not miss it. We were paying over $100 for what? a few hours of actual "movies" We use to only cut it out during the holidays and I realized we really don't need this. My kids are both book worms, We limit TV anyway, and We have most of the movies and shows we like, so we switched over to Netflix. We are Happy and have a lot more money to go to another bill or family time. Plus we never run out of popcorn! :) Have a great week.

  3. Jean, I do hear you on discipline, ha ha. Some series are wonderful. We like to watch documentaries too. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Row, this is good to know. We typically can't find anything good on to watch. I rarely have time to sit and watch the news either. I rely on the newspaper anymore. Thanks for visiting my blog today.


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