Monday, February 1, 2016

Date "Night" Jar Visited

High stress levels called for relaxing tea, and for Hubby to reach inside his date "night" jar and pull out a stick.

A well deserved weekend was called for - just Hubby and me (and solitude).  We both voted for "spontaneous."

The jar holds day trips, one night trips and two night trips in it.  Our marriage revival getaway was a two night trip.  Yay for us!

The drive was very peaceful.  Beautiful scenery, good driving weather, and positive thoughts along the way.

The hotel involved was an old-time hotel, in a downtown location, where you have to park far away and walk to the front.  We were so excited on our new adventure, we did not know which to do - venture out or stay indoors.

The hotel not only provided real keys (yes a real key, no electronic gizmo card) to our roomThey did not serve a free breakfast, nor breakfast at all, which prompted us to get up early and go on early adventures.

Our room was gorgeous.  Check this out.  Our first room did not come with a refrigerator nor microwave,so they kindly moved us to this one (had a fridge)  Not your normal hotel.  A historical hotel.  Each floor had an ice machine and pop machine too.

I was totally shocked to see organic soap and shampoo in our bathroom!  First time ever to happen for us.

I fell in love with this light by the bedside.  The bottom had a light for a nightlight as well.  Just beautiful.  Marble tables too.

Each floor had available books to read if you wanted, and hallways were decorated with quilts and/or antique pictures/documents.

Do you remember when hotels/motels provided stationery and post cards to guests?  Well, this hotel provided.  I was just in awe.  It's been since my childhood to see this type of service again.

 The hotel's front desk.

The hotel's lobby.  Hubby and I played cards here.  There was a table and 4 chairs to the right, that I didn't get in the photo.  There was no television in the lobby.  It was  very quiet place to unplug.  He won one game, I won one game, so the play off was to be Sunday night (which didn't happen).
I did not see one other person use this lobby.  I think the front desk clerks were happy to see us use it.

The hotel also had a restaurant/tavern inside.  It was open for lunch and dinner.  The food was amazing too.

The hotel was within walking distance to a famous restaurant known for it's BBQ ribs (we have eaten there before), a few antique stores and other stores.  We did a lot of window shopping and had a blast.   

Breakfast on Sunday was in a small locally owned restaraunt that was inside one end of an IGA store.  It was recommended by the hotel, and several other people.  And then it was time to head home.

One item I came home with was this:

 An antique ash pail for the wood stove.  

I highly suggest you get a date "night" jar of your own, and if you are single, make it your own deserving "day out" idea jar. We were going to squeeze in a tour on Sunday (a town on the way home), but they were not operating until April, so that idea is going on the jar.  

Hubby and I both bought books at a used book store, so that is one goal this summer - to read more books on the porch. 

Today's it's back to reality.  Although we are rested and revived so to speak, we have lots of work to do today.  I hope you enjoyed the photos today.  


  1. I am so happy that you had a weekend with hubs. It is so nice to just get away and relax and that Motel looked fabo. I also love the date jar.

  2. What a totally charming hotel! Everything is so lovely - the lack of televisions in every public space must be so wonderful. I like the idea of a single's 'date' jar. I think I will start one. So glad you two make the time to enjoy each other.

  3. Susan, it was nice not to have a television going non-stop in the lobby (like most hotels today). We do enjoy making time for our marriage, so we do try and make "family" time like camping trips too.

  4. I am always inspired by your Date Nite ideas and trips! This being February... and LOVE is on the calendar already...
    I may have to come up with something even if its just a day out. Time alone.
    believe me when I say we're over due for some quality time together.

  5. Patricia, even if it's for a half a day, it's totally worth it.

  6. Wow, what a lovely place for you and your hubby to get away to. Kudos to you for taking (making?) the time to do so. Gorgeous place!

  7. Mama Pea, it was less expensive than other hotels too. There is no fitness center, and no pool. Just a fun experience.


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