Monday, January 25, 2016

Making Homemade Ketchup with Home Canned Tomato Paste

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that the massive amounts of rain killed off our garden harvest.  I was able to can one batch of ketchup, which did not last long.

However, our previous garden year was absolutely wonderful, and I canned tomato paste for the first time.

With some old-fashioned recipe books, some home canned tomato paste, and additional ingredients, I was able to make ketchup.  I'll admit, I would cut back the apple cider vinegar a bit, but it was tasty.  There are many recipes for making online as well (using canned tomato paste). 

Now, that's a real "from scratch" recipe.  Can't get better than that.  Mmm! 

Previous Post:  Home Preserving ~ Tomato Paste 


  1. Turning an abundance of tomato paste into ketchup. You sure are the epitome of the creative homemaker!

  2. Ever since I made my own ketchup, I cannot use anything else! Great use of your canned goods, Kristina! There is always a reason why some years are more bountiful than others, I think.

  3. Mama Pea, I do use the paste in many dishes too.

  4. Susan, I think you are right about bounty some years.

  5. We had a lot of tomatoes this year. I dehydrated a bunch of it and turned it into a powder for making tomato sauce and paste. I wonder if I could re hydrate it and make ketchup .

  6. I recently made home made ketchup... it was a bit sweet to me, and I thought ours needed a bit more apple cider vinegar.
    I of course didn't have the home made tomato paste... like you did, but wow! You go girl!
    You are so resourceful with what you DO have. I hope your garden this year brings a good yield for you!

  7. Michelle, I am not sure on making ketchup with dehydrated tomatoes. I would think you could.

  8. Patricia, I have found so many different recipes for ketchup with tomato paste. It's been fun trying some.

  9. Our Dad tried to make home made ketchup once. It turned out brown and thick, and tasted more like sorgum or molasses than ketchup. As kids use to Hunts, etc., of course, we wouldn't eat it.
    It did work well for BBQ sauce though, and that's how he finally used it all up.
    God bless.

  10. RB, glad you hear you could still use it for something.


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