Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Chilly Temps ~ Get Well Soon Box ~ More snow

The school put out a 2 hour delay Sunday night, for Monday morning, but I couldn't figure out why they closed.  Not until I took the pups out the second time, did I realize why.

They were jumping and romping and loving the snow one minute, and holding up their back feet the next - our temperature was "feeling like -8 degrees" outside.  I didn't feel it of course.  Having had -26 over the past winters, I guess I was thinking it was somewhat decent out, ha ha!


After getting a much needed walk, I started putting together homemade herbal tea bags for Son. He got a message to me that he was sleeping more often due to sickness, so the Mom that I am, put a "get well soon" box together for him.  
I also included a nasal spray (Breathe Again) for him.  To me, it's the next best thing to using a neti pot.  I included thyme tea as well.  It helps the body break down and remove mucus from the body.

More snow arrived last night.  Not much, but enough to make driving difficult. School closed, but Hubby still has to go to work, so I do worry when he drives his one hour route to work.

The pups love the snow.  It takes me longer to get them to do their business first thing in the morning now.  Zuri is the worst. She wants to romp and play, and then soon remembers why she got me up, ha ha!

The chickens have been getting winter treats of over-ripe bananas, come cabbage ends, over-ripe apples and so forth.  It helps maintain their health over winter, without making homemade suet cakes and what not.

The girls helped me get the house chores done yesterday.  For the most part anyway.  Today will be a more peaceful, relaxing, snowed in, kind of day.  I'm already writing out our meal plan for starting this weekend.  

I better get this posted and toss a log on the fire.  



  1. I hope hubs has a safe journey to work and back. Son needs to take care and his Momma Box will do the trick.

  2. The temperature has stated to drop here, the dog is sleeping in front of the fire and I am watching it trying to snow, pot of soup on the stove, dont think I would like -26 with the wind chill its -6 here

  3. Kim, I hope the teas help Son, and the nasal salt water spray. I was lucky to ship it before bad weather arrived.

  4. Dawn, I think we will drop to 11 degrees tomorrow night. If they wind is not fierce, it's not too bad. The wind makes it worse here.

  5. We were kept awake here last night listening to the awful wind. Surprised to see our temp managed to stay above zero, but just. Nobody needs wind when it's that cold out. When our daughter dropped her dog off for doggie day care here this morning, rather than making a tour of the house (to make sure everything is as it should be!), he made a beeline for his bed by the wood stove and curled up!

    Hope you son can take care of himself and kick what ails him. That must be doubly hard to do when in the military!

  6. Sounds like you have everything under control!

  7. We went to Idaho this past weekend. The weather was so cold and snowy.So I can understand your dogs reaction. But then we live in California now. So my cold is probably different then other peoples.

  8. Mama Pea, I do think it's hard for Son due to not having access to the herbs I grow.

  9. Susan, thanks.
    Michelle, Son was in CA for a while and told me how different the temp is there.


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