Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Surprise Visit ~ Moon Passing Venus ~ Surprise Road Trip

Warning:  It's a "grab a cup of ...." kind of blog post today.
I was taking bets as to how many people would notice, including our kids that were not home, the work we did on Sunday.

They noticed.  Whew.  Looks so nice when I look out my window now.  It's that kind of relief when you see a messy room all cleaned up.

Our 19 year-old surprised us with a visit last Sunday night.  First thing she said, was "I noticed you don't have any outside lights up."


We had zero time with all the outside work.  She insisted we at least put some up around the front porch. We did not.  We ended up taking a road trip.

First, I want to share photos of the moon passing Venus yesterday.  Did you know that happened?  At dawn, you could see it, and thanks to my older brother and sister-in-law for letting me know in advance.  Two kiddos got the chance to see it too.

So, about that road trip.  The younger two were already on their way to school, and our 19 year-old was still asleep.  I thought to myself, "well let's look at adoptable dogs just one more time before I get busy."

I flipped through some photos and came across "King."  I sent the link to Hubby and he was interested.  He was a 3-4 month old lab/shephard/boxer mix. 

I left it up on the computer, and went about my morning.  It was about 8:30am, when I entered the kitchen to find our daughter up and smiling at the computer, "can I call them?" 

She called, and left a message.  I washed dishes, and cleaned up the kitchen.  An hour later, while she was doing  home work, she said, "it's been an hour can you call again?"

We just wanted to know if the puppy was still available.  After a phone call, we were in the car and driving the one hour to "look" at him.

Not much later, we were on our way back homeDaughter was not only loving on one puppy in the back seat, but two.  Yes, I must be cracked in the head or something.  I brought home "King" for Hubby and a girl for me.  We ended up changing her name to "Zuri" which means "Beautiful" in swahili.  She's a mountain cur mix.   Her type of breed is not typically found in our state, but they end up in rescues due to the fact their face looks like a pitbull.

You should have see the faces of our younger two, when the school bus pulled in, and my 19 year-old and I were out walking the pups.  I thought I saw them cry, they were so happy. 

 (sorry for the bad photos, puppies moved around so fast)

King and Zuri were best buds at the rescue, and after our last experience with adoption, we were looking for young dogs (to adapt with Jesse, since he is older).  

Their story?  Well King was hit by a car and his back leg was broken (a clean break thankfully, or they would have amputated).  He was left on the side of the road.  He was rescued, leg healed, and back to himself.  Zuri was by King's side at the vet, so King was not alone.  
Both are spayed/neutered, have all their shots but one, have been treated with flea meds, and have their first rabies.  The only thing we'll need to do, is train them.  So far, King has learned "sit" in one day, and Zuri already knew.  We are working on "inside voice" with King, as he is very vocal.  

They pretty much keep themselves entertained.  Which keeps them from bugging Jesse too much.  We already had a basket full of toys, so they are pretty happy to join the farmstead here.  

My next book, may be "Raising Jesse" of some sort.  He has been so funny.  He refused to drink from the water bowl after the puppies did.  We had to dump it out and refill it.  He acts like they have puppy "cooties."  He'll get over it and soon they will all be happy campers.

Last night while Hubby and I walked our pooches, he said, "Great.  Now I will have to put up a fence."  Tee hee.   

They both came from a rescue that does not have a shelter of their own.  They work as volunteers, fostering all the dogs in different foster homes, and run completely on donations.  

We saved four dogs - the two we adopted, and the two that took their place inside the foster home.   

Today I have no plans to do anything spontaneous or crazy.  I do not have a car, so that keeps me out of trouble, ha ha!  Daughter tried to start up her car at 5:00am, and ended up driving my car back to college. 


  1. Awwwwe, I just love a happy ending. When I brought Lil'bit home, he walked on Mz. Maggies dog bed and she still will not lay on it! I have washed it and I have had her lay on it and stay. But as soon as I release her from the down she bolts off it. Its kinda funny but sad too cause she is old and really needs her bed. Happy puppy loving!

  2. Kim, I told the girls to take Jesse's bed upstairs, to keep it away from the pups. I had a feeling he'd abandon it if the used it too.

  3. Congrats on the two new (lucky) members of your family! Look forward to more pictures and stories about them.

  4. Mama Pea, they have been the best pups ever. So good and playing together. Just love them. I can't believe I'm crazy enough to raise more dogs here. I want them to grow up with spring goats (wethers first).

  5. That is so wonderful, Kristina! And great that they have each other to play with. I really had a good laugh at Jesse's puppy "cooties" behavior - hoot! Your rescue sounds like the one from which I have rescued all mine. Having dogs in foster homes is a real bonus, as they get a chance to really know them. Looking forward to all your puppy adventures!

  6. Susan, Jesse has been pretty funny with the pups. The pups have been so good for use already. I can't get over how good. They curl up with each other to sleep too.

  7. I bet those pups are thrilled to be together in a new home! Congrats on the additions to the family! We had cloudy skies around here so we missed the moon shot. :(

  8. Wish I'd known about Venus passing the Moon, but it's been so foggy here in the evenings lately, we probably couldn't have seen it anyway.
    Congrats on getting the free wood and getting it put away so quickly.
    Congrats on the new pups too, and for going to a rescue for them instead of a breeder.
    God bless.

  9. Liz, they are fitting right in with the family. Son will be in heaven when he arrived for Christmas. He loves dogs.

  10. RB, Thanks. I have had much luck raising rescues here.


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