Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Unwinds ~ Rain

I'm sharing some jewelry I got for Christmas.  The necklace is made from a 45 casing, and the earrings shotgun shells.
There is a woman that sells them on Etsy.

I'm sharing for anyone interested - Gun Powder Woman

I don't have the tools to make these myself, nor the supply of shells to make them, but I don't they they would be that hard to make either.  

Hubby and I had a wonderful anniversary day.  First, I made him go out and pick us up breakfast from a local eatery (he he!).  He was all for it.  They make the gravy from scratch, so he picked up biscuits and gravy and other goods.  That started out my day nicely.  

We him-hawed on what to do, because his family was having Christmas at 3pm, which put a wrench in the day's celebration.  He insisted we go, I said skip it.  He won.  We decided to drive about 40 minutes from our homestead and window shop in a very large antique mall.  A mall in which we have never been in.  

We only walked the outside booths, as time was limited due to the family party, so we walked through sort of quick.  I did snatch up a pearl dangle bracelet, and pearl dangle necklace, along with a pair of gold earrings - all for under $8.  I like the jewelry from the 50's, and every booth almost had a discount sale going.  I found so many other things I wanted, but did not buy.  I will be going back there more often, and taking a tape measure to make sure the cake pan is tall enough.  Some things were very over priced, but other booths had great buys.  

Conveniently, we were up by many restaurants, so we opted to eat before visiting his family.  Our plans were to head south and eat at a local restaurant, but that quickly changed.

We, for the first time, ate at a fancy Italian restaurant.  We were ahead of the dinner crowd, so we were served quickly.   Crazy as I am, wrote down what we ate, so I can make it myself here at home - Butternut Squash Ravioli, and Farfalle Alfredo.  I liked the squash dish better too.

Hubby proudly told everyone that served us, we made it through 17 years of marriage, and raising kids.  He took photos of us to share of course too.  It's not like we eat out on a regular basis.  It was a very special treat for us.

With full bellies, and yes we devoured a creme brulee together, we headed back to the family party.  We stopped in, held a new baby, laughed, hugged, and retreated home.  

When we arrived, we found that my best friend from high school, had stopped in and left us a Christmas basket.  It was spilling out at the rim, and included a very large book on natural remedies.  What a nice surprise.

It poured down rain most of the night, otherwise I would have window shopped at the very large bookstore near the restaurant.  It's probably a good thing.  I have a lot to read here yet.

The rain never stopped, not like we need more this year.  It's raining as I type this morning post on Sunday.  Today is a good day to recoup, and relax, and clean up a bit too.



  1. Sounds like a lovely day and today 17 years is a big achievement, I am now wondering if I could make some jewellery form shell casings that we have have in a container, hubby always picks them up as I am worried about animals eating them :-)

  2. It sounds like the best of all compromises - family obligations and together time! That antique mall sounds great, too. And dangerous! :)

  3. Dawn, I also bought my Army daughter a necklace made from a 9mm casing. They drilled through the sides, added a ring and chain. I bet, with the right tools, they'd be easy to make.

  4. Susan, dangerous is right. While I was looking at the sale items, and trying to contain myself, Hubby was looking at hand water pumps - $100 and up.

  5. yeah! what a great day! I like that you took time for yourselves ...AND went to see family!
    The jewelry is way cool!.I'll have to go check out her shop!
    We've had terrible Tornadoes touch down northwest of here...after being under Warnings and Watches all day yesterday... they passed us by.
    It's still raining here , now flash floods!
    I'd like to say I'm ready for spring, but that would be redundant.

  6. Patricia, I feel like we haven't even had our winter yet, but our temps are due to drop the middle of this week.

  7. We are getting a lot of rain on and off too. It has been great to see the snow these last couple of days. I am happy to see any type of water coming down, here in California. Blackfoot Idaho got hit with a lot of snow this past week. Wish we could of spent Christmas there with my husbands family. Maybe next year.
    Sounds like you had a lovely day. Happy Anniversary. My daughter makes jewelry. She made me a beautiful cross necklace and earring for Christmas. I will have to show her your pictures. And maybe hint a little bit.

  8. Michelle, I would love to see the jewelry your daughter made. I actually went back to the Etsy store and bought a pair of stud bullet earrings with a dangle cross charm. I'm just waiting for them to arrive.


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