Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve has Arrived

The outside Christmas lights have been put up.  Zuri caught a glimpse of Hubby climbing up the ladder and let out a "stranger danger" bark.   

Oldest daughter has been over two times with her new puppy Mia (hope I am spelling that right).  She is also 4 months old.  So, here in the photo, is Mia, Zuri and King.  All relaxing after a fun day of puppy play.  Jesse actually showed the first signs of playing with them, by playing with Mia.   It was refreshing to see Jesse join the fun for once.

The puppies have heard the hens laying eggs for the first time now.  It was kind of funny too. They both stopped walking, turned the heads to the barn, and ears went up.  It was a few minutes before I could get them to walk again.

Mom stopped in for an afternoon visit.  We sent her home with Christmas cookies and cinnamon pecans.  We were fresh out of whiskey sticks, so I'll have to make a new batch after Christmas.

Our 19 year-old baked another batch of cookies early in the day.  It rained most of the day.  I have to share a "funny" from our cookie baking days.  I hollered out to one of the girls "you better get him out of here before he snatches a cookie off the table."  One daughter responded with, "Who? Your son or the dog?"  Ha ha ha!  He's nicknamed "cookie monster."

The evening was spent celebrating the 14th birthday of our youngest daughter.    So hard to believe that little stinker was brought home on Christmas Eve 14 years ago.  I remember begging the hospital to let me out a day early.  She was the most difficult labor, but the fasted recovery. She was also the only baby I gave birth to, weighing less than 10 pounds. 

She requested crock pot mac n' cheese, and sweet potato fries.  We make our "fries" like baked glazed sweet potato slices.  They are cut like fries, but baked with organic cinnamon, brown sugar and olive oil.

Our 19 year-old did the baking and the frosting of the birthday cake.  It was a triple-decker, and turned out very nice.

Early evening, I heard thunderstorms.  Yes, you heard that right.  Thunderstorms.  In December. The weather is definitely odd and a bit concerning if you ask me.  It's not the typical weather for us.

Today the weather is to be in the 50's, and with more rain.  We were graced with a monsoon spring and summer, and now a monsoon early winter.  Lovely.  This means the tree that was to come down, will not come down just yet.  We hope it dries up before the kids return to school.

Today, will be a relaxing family day.  Maybe a Christmas movie or two, followed by a dinner of stuffed shells and steamed broccoli.  I had voted for ham, but we now have three vegetarians in the house.  I'm still making a Christmas morning souffle stuffed with ground sausage for us meat lovers though.

I hope and pray that you all have a very Merry Christmas tomorrow and a lovely Christmas Eve, no matter what you beliefs are, and what you celebrate. 


  1. A totally enjoyable post, Kristina. As usual! Sending best wishes from our little homestead to yours for a lovely Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!

  2. That cake is beautiful! And what adorable puppies! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a new year of fairer weather and better gardening (for all of us!) You face the challenges with such good humor and grace, it's amazing.

  3. Merry Christmas have a lovely holiday with your family :-)

  4. Mama Pea, Susan and Dawn, Merry Christmas!

  5. Enjoy your time together and have some fun and rest :)

  6. Merry Christmas to you too. Lovely puppy photo :) We're watching Home Alone tonight with Brandy Egg Nog and some cookies I made with chocolate and butterscotch chips! Our weather went up to 60F today, felt like spring in the north mountains.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your household!
    Happy Birthday to the baby girl! hee-hee! (she probably wouldn't like be called baby girl, but you know what I mean!)
    We have had a very mild Christmas...both in Season and Spirit. Very relaxing!
    that cake looks delicious too!take care...

  8. My twins are also born on a holiday eve. Their birthday is new years eve. Merry Christmas. May your day be full of love and joy.

  9. Rain, those cookies sound delicious. Merry Christmas!

  10. Thanks Patricia, she had a fabulous birthday.

  11. Michelle, Happy Birthday to your twins. Merry Christmas to your family too.


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