Monday, November 30, 2015

Recycled Barn Wood ~ Recycled Pillows

Hubby and I had another prosperous morning in the chicken/goat barn.  We used odd pieces of barn siding (recycled from the big barn) to repair and fix up the barn doors.  You can see in the photo there are a few holes yet to cover, but the bottoms of the doors are looking much better (sharing photos soon I hope). 

. . . time and patience.

I snapped this photo yesterday too. We are taking bets on when this end of the big barn will collapse.  It's already falling down more since the last time we worked on it.  The plan is to remove a sliding door and recycle it.  The more people ask for the wood, the more we find reasons to keep it, and use it.

It was also time to replace a few bed pillows.  I recycled two things for the barn cats.  I know they say do not use anything that can get wet, but I did.  I covered the old pillows with old t-shirts, and put them under the stairs in the barn. The cats will have a nice warm place to sleep at night.

I stole a few moments on the porch, although it was cold.  A nice hot cup of java and a blanket is all I needed.

We have another pile of brush to take care of, so in between house and animal chores, I'll be working on that while Hubby is at work.  Then just maybe we'll get back to working on the big barn.  

The trees are put on hold until school is out for Christmas.  I don't like this plan, but it is the smart choice.  Darkness sets here just after 5pm, and we have little time to work during the week.  The school uses our driveway, so we need to knock it down when we have more than one day to cut it all up and clean it up.  It will fall directly over the driveway. 

Today, I have no idea what the menu plan is.  I guess I better sit down and do that.  We have very little leftovers since I  scaled down the Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. We salvaged some doors from some outbuildings a friend was having torn down.
    Love the old wood!

  2. Sanda, I have to say, Hubby is having fun with it all.

  3. There is one pillow on the couch that the cats seem to prefer over everything else. I put it in a store plastic bag, tied a knot in one end, then slid it into a pillowcase that can be washed. That way the pillow stays nice for them.
    I can't seem to get anything done around here lately, and I think I discovered why today when I found myself going in circles from project to project instead of staying on one until it gets finished.
    I'm going to start myself a "To Do" list too, so I can't keep track of what needs to be done and cross it off as I finish it. I hope this works because it doesn't take long for things to pile up.
    Love to all.
    God bless.

  4. RB, I've seen barn cat Timmy laying on the pillows. He loves them and found them before the girls did. Lists do help me keep on track.


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