Saturday, November 21, 2015

Porch Time ~ Work Time

Porch time was a bit cooler yesterday, but I had it no less. I honestly wanted one last moment out there before we put furniture away for winter (which is today).   I had most of my chores done, but decided to sneak it in early.  Just in case.

I wasn't sure what dinner time would bring, and I did not want to miss out on "5 minutes for me."

It was another good day to
dry laundry outside, so after the cauliflower and cabbages were finally pulled from the garden, coop cleaned, watering unit scrubbed, carpet shampooed, dinner prep done, I had those few moments of relaxation on the porch.

I'm still reading "The Simplicity Primer" by Patrice Lewis.  Each page is a short bit of advice with a different subject.  I noticed that many times subjects are repeated, but it's mostly common sense advice.  This would be a good gift for a high school graduate in my opinion.  It gives advice on relationships, then marriage, and then having kids as well.  A lot of it contains good reminders on keeping your life simple.  Chaos and clutter free also.  It's a book that I've enjoyed reading a few pages a day, and not all in one sitting. 

Hubby just pulled out of the driveway hauling our 19 year-old's car.  He drove to her college and picked her up and the car.  He has really been working hard on vehicle repairs, and is looking forward to a weekend of no repairs.

While he's working all day on the car, I'll be getting the girls to help and put the front porch furniture in storage.  If I can find that roll of plastic sheeting today, I'll cover a few lower windows on the barn too.   I just need to figure out where I put it.

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