Monday, November 9, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's already a very busy Monday.  I'm joining Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.

The weather . . .
Cool, sunny and delightful.

Right now I am . . .
Trying to catch up on National Novel Writing Month, while baking sweet potatoes, and dehydrating dandelions.

Thinking . . .
Today is going to be busy!

On my reading pile . . .
 The Simplicity Primer
On my TV. . .
 Netflix, Sundays - The Walking Dead, kind of lost track of Cedar Cove (maybe I can catch back up with that this week).

On the menu this week. . .
Tonight it's homemade chicken teriyaki with homemade sauce.  I have no idea on the rest of the week yet.  Maybe steaks?  I lost out on my planning and shopping due to cutting down a tree over the weekend.  I do have to come up with a plan, as I deliver meals to Dad.

On my to-do list. . .
~ in no particular order ~

dehydrate dandelion greens
make homemade dog food
bake sweet potatoes, mash them and freeze them
blanch and freeze kale
take trash out
walk Jesse
make teriyaki sauce
file papers
send emails
place an order for Hubby's vitamins
take fruit out to the chickens
clean up brush in front yard
write over 4000 words in my novel today
mix up a batch of homemade hot chocolate
"swipe" the bathroom
sweep floors

What I am crocheting, knitting, or creating. . .
Just finished some slouchy hats to sell, and a few cowls for myself.  I will be back to working on Christmas items.  A dishcloth is on my knitting needles.

Looking around the house. . .
I see lots of messes, but it can wait.

From the camera. . .

On my prayer list. . .
My family, our winter prep, extended family and friends with special requests.

Bible Verse, Devotional . . .
 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matt 6:34 NIV



  1. Okay, I need to know all about you dehydrating dandelion greens! I am fascinated, you are awesome!
    have a great week!

  2. Looks like a pleasant Monday :)

  3. You are one busy woman. Wish I could get half of what you got done, finished on my list.

  4. Joanna, I also blanch and freeze them to add to meals. I dehydrate them for making tea, herbal oil infusions, vinegars, poultices, and also for topping the dog's food.

  5. Michelle, I have a long list today, but the rain cut it in half.


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