Wednesday, November 25, 2015


 45 different scarp yarn colors, and 90 ends sewn in later......

 It's finally finished!!

Hubby has had his eye on this blanket since I started it to simply clean out my yarn stash.  He said he wanted it for Christmas.

So that's what he got. 

.Now onto the next unfinished yarn project.


  1. YAY! Well done. Mostly for getting the scrap yarns done away with and making something beautiful! But for a completed project in the books and for Christmas too! You're such an inspiration.
    I've been in and out of the blogging scene this month-- but have been reading though, not always commenting. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  2. YAY! Well done. Mostly for getting the scrap yarns done away with and making something beautiful! But for a completed project in the books and for Christmas too! You're such an inspiration.
    I've been in and out of the blogging scene this month-- but have been reading though, not always commenting. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  3. Oh, my gosh, Kristina! That is beautiful!!!!

  4. It is beautiful! The ripple was the second afghan I ever made. Boy that was along time ago. I remember it was easy at the time but not sure I would remember the turn on the ends now. I would have to get a pattern out and look at it I guess.

  5. Patricia, thanks. I have been wondering if you are doing well. Glad to hear from you!

  6. Thanks Susan. I will look up the pattern I used online and add it to this post later.

  7. Kim, thank you. After I get the meal prep finished, and errands done, I'll post a link to the pattern I used (it's online I think).

  8. Fantastic! and made from scrap yarn! (don't envie sewing all those ends in though!)

  9. Emma, I wanted it longer, but yea, those ends are tedious. I still have a lingering baby blanket to finish, ha ha!

  10. WOW ! What a challenge. Great that you have it finished in time to keep you all warm and snug for the winter. Marion x

  11. It was a bit of a challenge. I have to say, I may be collecting my scrap yarn for another one.

  12. So pretty. I personally think the scrap yarn afgans are the prettiest and most interesting of all.
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
    If you're traveling, prayers for safe travels.
    God bless.


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