Monday, November 2, 2015

Detox and Recovery

Yesterday, Hubby and I got early morning porch/coffee time, before he headed out to fix Daughter's car.  I ended up having evening porch time with a book (yay!).  The good news, is the car is fixed, but she missed class today.  She'll get to drive back today.  That way I can still have my own car this week.
This week is detox of bad food, and my recovery of lack of sleep and intentional exercise.  Oh my.  I cannot wait to get the roast in the crock pot this morning.  I don't want to see pizza in this house again, unless it's homemade (blech).  

I tried my best to keep the party treats healthy, the best I could, and she was okay with that.

I did very little handiwork, and I know I am very behind on Christmas gifts.  I have another order or two for slouchy hats.  I must get one started today.

I have all of the flower beds put to sleep for winter.  All my plant hooks put away.  The furniture is last to go, but not quite yet this year.

I still have some vegetable plants to pull from the back garden, but hope a kiddo will help today.  They have no school - conferences.

The chicken/goat barn has yet to be cleaned out.  Interruptions, repairs, and other frustrating mishaps have prevented it.  Patience.  There's that word again.

We almost had the chance to get a puppy.  Daughter's youth group leader found it, but owners have since claimed her.  That's okay.  I'm not quite ready for one just yet.  They take so much time and care, and I have winter prep to tackle.

Yesterday, National Novel Writing Month started, and I completely forgot.  Yikes!  I am one day behind, but will be back at it today, after I exercise and dinner prep is completed.


  1. I am glad the party went well and the car is fixed. Both are things the young ones won't forget. Now you can find some time to nurture you just a little bit.

  2. Thanks Kim. She also had a flat tire Saturday morning - nail in the tire. That was patched too.

  3. It's like when my kids come here and want to take me out to eat....I beg off as it just upsets my stomach anymore to eat that cheap, processed food. Even "good' restaurants use not so great ingredients sometimes. I'm used to the good stuff that I make! LOL!
    Your nails are always so pretty!

  4. Sam I am, I agree. We all talked about the breakfast (poptarts) the girls had, and even my daughters agreed to make a big pan of scrambled eggs next time, or homemade pancakes with a meat side. More work, but so much healthier.


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