Saturday, November 28, 2015

Buttering with Cranberries ~ Homemade Gift Idea

You'd think there would be a scientific term, for a syndrome defining chronic recipe collectors.  Specifically for those who collect new recipes to try, while attempting to try all the stashed recipes they already have.  It's an obsession I tell ya.


New recipes find me whether I want them or not lately. 

Cranberry butter was a new, delicious butter for me to make.

You can simply use it, freeze it or gift it.

I'm sharing the recipe
, but I cut it in half for Thanksgiving.  And of course I used organic ingredients.  Once I get dairy goats back in my pasture, I'll be making my own butter again.

Cranberry Butter
4 sticks butter, softened
1 cup fresh cranberries
1/3 cup honey
zest of one orange

Mix together in a food processor.
Makes about 6 half-pints.

I'll admit, it turns out to be a very pretty butter to use.  The recipe did not state how long this will last, but I'm assuming about two weeks fresh (refrigerated), and maybe a month frozen.


  1. I love cranberries, thanks for sharing this one. I make a frittata on christmas eve for a neighbor family and put together a basket with croissants and jams or jellies I have made. They can bake it on christmas morning while gifts are being opened and enjoy a hot breakfast. This will be making its way into the basket this year.

  2. Kim, you are a wonderful neighbor! What a nice thing to do, and adding the cranberry butter would be a great idea.

  3. umm that sounds interesting, does it taste as good as it looks?

  4. What does the Cranberry Butter taste like - sweet, sour or bitter?
    As for a scientific term for your chronic recipe collecting syndrome, how about a Recipeophile? LOL
    ( I got it from the term Bibliophilia or bibliophilism is the love of books, and a bibliophile is an individual who loves books.)
    Hey, there are worse "habits" for a person to have. At least yours feeds your family well.
    God bless.

  5. RB and Emma, the butter is not bitter. It tastes pretty good on toasted bread.

  6. Thanks! Great idea for that large bag of leftover cranberries that I have in the fridge.

  7. Lisa, the girls finished ours up on breakfast toast. Pretty good too.


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