Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fascinating Tidbits ~ Garlic Butter

I threw in "Fascinating" for extra thrill today, ha ha!  It's not really that interesting.

Gladys were all pulled for winter.  The bulbs have grown bigger over the years, and have outgrown their box.  They won't survive the winter here outside.

....still gutting that last garden.  My other chores like to interrupt that job.  The barn job of course will continue after tonight is over with.

I made garlic butter for grilling sandwiches, and for making garlic bread.  The kids have been adding herbs to their grilled sandwiches lately.

Here is what I put in mine:

Garlic Butter
1 cup butter, organic, softened
1 tsp. minced garlic (I used 2 small cloves)
2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp. garlic powder (I used homemade)
1/2 tsp. homemade Italian seasoning (see below)
black pepper 
dash of paprika, organic

Mix all ingredients together until smooth.  Keep refrigerated. 

I'm not sure how long this will last technically, because we used ours up pretty fast.  It's the season of soups and sandwiches.  I bet this would taste good on a baked potato or mashed potatoes too.

Homemade Italian Seasoning:
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
1/2 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoons dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 tablespoon dried parsley
1 tablespoons salt

I store mine in a recycled jar, but any jar that is airtight will work.  Herb gardens are so useful, so if you haven't grown one yet, you should.  Everything in my Italian seasoning is grown ourselves, aside from salt and black pepper.

Today is a day of paperwork. The meeting/hearing is tonight.  Say an extra prayer, send us good thoughts, wishes, and positive vibes (please and thank you).  


  1. The garlic butter looks divine. I also add herbs to our grilled cheese. Hubs calls them gourmet grilled cheese. I just call them good! I am praying and hoping that all goes as planned tonight and that the mudder does not have somebody in small town America in his back pocket. That is the only way I see possible for this to go the wrong way.

  2. Wow, I'll bet that garlic butter makes an excellent grilled sandwich! It really is becoming the season for sandwiches and soups. We just had Mexican Beer Chowder for lunch and it was good.

    Sending big bunches of prayers, good thoughts, best wishes and positive energy (and anything else I can think of!) to you for the meeting tonight. Fingers crossed, too!

  3. Sending mighty prayers the commissioners send the nuisance neighbor mudder packing. Remember to mention ALL your livestock which are being frightened by their actions, not just the goats you may get in the Spring. K
    God bless.

  4. love me some garlic. I have planted a few bulbs with some success in years past. Earl our Squirrel gets to all the bulbs eventually. But we are garlic lovers none the less. I have been looking around for homemade italian seasoning, thank you for sharing the recipe.

  5. Faith, that is interesting that squirrels eat your garlic. Ours do not bother it. We also have a black walnut tree and several around the property edges as well, so they are well fed, lol.


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