Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sandwich Bread ~ Tidbits

Now that I am back to baking bread, I made a new sandwich bread recipe, that my Uncle told me about just a few days ago.

It's gluten free, and made with a bit of coconut flour. 

I have a habit of eating two pieces of toast with eggs for breakfast (when I cook eggs).  Although this is not as tall as I had hoped for, I still toasted it.  I have one daughter who is very happy, and is now packing a PB & J in her lunch for school.

While laundry dried on the line, I tackled my kitchen cubbies.  The cubbies have a collection of tea cups, and I have started to wipe out the the cubbies with vinegar/water.  Cups are getting wiped too.

It was kind of a "paper work" day too.  I worked a few hours on the next family photo album.  I'm working on 2003 to 2007 right now.  I'm so far behind.  However, I felt great to get back at this project.  It was too hot and humid, and way too hot to work in the gardens. 

The photos I am working with now, are a bit of a challenge.  They are all on the computer, not on camera cards, and are not dated correctly.  Our last computer (and camera) failed on us, and they are all in files that are two to three years off of the original dates (and the camera dates are not correct).  This project will really need my patience.

And the biggest challenge, will be to pick out the ones that I really want in a photo album.  With today's digital cameras, way too many photos are taken.  It's not like the old cameras, where I used real film.  Which I used up until we moved here.


I prepared a box to ship to Son too, who was waiting for some items he accidentally left behind (amongst other stuff).

Poor Jesse didn't eat his breakfast until way late.  His "Mom" left for college again, and he's beside himself.  I won't tell her, but when she pulled out of the driveway, he whined.  He'll get some eggs for breakfast today.  Maybe that will cheer him up.


  1. Oh dear, poor Jesse. They just don't understand how the most important person in their lives could just walk away like that. Give him a hug and a rub from me and maybe a little couch time?

  2. I think your new bread looks good . . . healthy and solid! Glad to hear it's got a good flavor, too!

    What we moms don't go through witnessing the emotions of kids and animals, huh? I may be wrong but I don't think the males in our species think or even notice things like that!

    Our humidity has broken (to a certain degree) so I'm hoping to get some polying done inside the house in the next couple of days. Wish my "deep cleaning" was done to the stage yours is!!

  3. Kim, he's getting lots of extra hugs, the poor thing. It's raining, so a long walk is not happening. I'll have to curl up and love on him later.

  4. Mama Pea, I'm hoping today's rain breaks our humidity. It's been a long hot sticky sweaty week here. I am still finding things to clean, but boy it sure feels good. I'm sure I'll be back out in the garden soon enough.


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