Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Achy Bones.....

We had so much fog yesterday morning, that our kid's school actually closed.  This worries me as we tend to run out of snow days, and end up having school run into summer.

This orb weaver web looked kind of creepy in the fog, so I just had to take a photo.  He/she makes an appearance throughout the day.

By late evening, Hubby and I made progress.  The only casualties we endured were blisters, sore muscles and achy bones.  Oh, and I broke the sledge hammer (sad face).  It was only about 3-4 years old too.  Guess we are buying a new one.  Hubby accused me of breaking it so we could stop for the night.  Ha ha, he's so funny.

I am so worn out and tired, I wasn't sure I had the strength to lift my hands to blog this morning.  We also knocked out some boards on the sides.  Before the barn work, I spent all day weeding my herb garden (which I need to finish up today).

Barn treasures!  While I was knocking out the bottom level, and Hubby was on the upper, I found these.  My long lost tape measure that was typically kept for house use, and Hubby's hammer.  They were in the old goat stall area.  

I don't typically make soup on such a warm day, but the morning was cool, and got me in the mood.  And I needed a dinner that would be ready quickly when Hubby got home.  It is a new recipe (from the pile), and is pretty self sufficient (other than the Worcestershire sauce), so I think I'll keep it.

If my achy bones and muscles recuperate today, and I get time, I will post the recipe.  


  1. I bet you slept well! put a new handle on that sledge and you are ready to go.

  2. Kim, you should of heard us after we came in - moaning and groaning like we never worked in our lives, ha ha!

  3. Wow! look at that! y'all seem to be making some progress on that big ol' barn!
    Soup sounds good, not to mention, easy.
    I bet you are sore and tuckered out from all that work.

  4. You and Hubby be careful with that barn! I bet you found muscles you didn't know you had. That's a big job, but it will be so wonderful when it's done. Looking forward to that recipe.... :)

  5. Susan, we are trying to be very careful, and the kids are not allowed to help, even the adult kids - too dangerous. I'm nervous being under the loft, as I see many, many rotted boards.

  6. That's a stunning picture of the spider's web. Frameable quality I think!


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