Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Happy Homemaker Monday today.

The weather outside is. . .
20% chance of rain, cloudy, calm

On the breakfast plate this morning . . .

As I look outside my window . . . 
I see a big pile of wood to take care of, and a barn that needs to come down.

Right now I am . . .
 Getting ready to clean a bathroom

As I look around the house . . .
I see a dog who needs a playmate

On today's to do list . . .
1. laundry on the line
3. exercise
3. fold Hubby's laundry
4. water flowers
5. deadhead flowers 
6. dig up the last of the vegetable garden
7. sweep
8. clean master bath
9. empty trash cans
10. feed/water the rabbit 
11. put up the last of the garlic
12. mix up hot chocolate
13. walk dog
14. dinner prep
15. pay bills
16. clean the coop
17. weed rose bed
18.  haul barn wood to the burn pile 

Today's Deep Cleaning - wash our two trash cans, wipe down one window blind

On my mind . . .
. . .car/truck repairs, finances, a job for me?

On the TV today . . .
 We've been so busy, we missed our favorite Cedar Cove.

On the menu this week . . .
 Monday: Easy Turkey Casserole, carrots
Tuesday: Roasted veggies with something??
Wed-Sunday:  "on the fly" this week

 I am creating at the moment . . .
A scrap crochet blanket, knitted dishcloth, and a few Christmas items (which I am very, very behind on).

New recipe I tried or want to try this week . . .
 A salmon scramble

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals. . .


  1. Your flowers are so beautiful! Your blog made me smile today, because of the Barbara Greenwood quote. My 9 year old and I are deep into the American Girl "Kit" books, and they take place during the Great Depression...we just talked about that quote!!!!

  2. Joanna, thank you! This year we are pretty much looking at depression recipes, as our garden did not produce well. Have a wonderful week!

  3. I love the rugs hanging on your laundry line!

  4. I'm ready for a nap from just reading your To-do list for today!
    Beth P

  5. Beth, I'm still working on the list at 4:34pm...sigh..

  6. I can't believe your flowers are still so beautiful that far up north. Ours have all gone to seed, and with the constant rain we've gotten for four days and more to come with a tropical storm off our coast, they won't get dead headed anytime soon either.
    I do hope we get a few nice days before they drop their seeds, to gather a few to plant in different places next Spring.
    Many places down here are experiencing flash floods. We're high on a hill, so we're ok, but with more rain coming, I really feel for those people who aren't.
    With what you went through this Spring, I'm sure you know what they're going through.
    Everyone take care and be safe.
    God bless.

  7. RB, it's pretty cold today (10-1) so I'm heading out later to cut flower tops for seeds. I don't keep my aster seeds, as they have re-seeded themselves every year. Stay safe with those storms.

  8. Thanks Kristina.
    Becoming a concern with the ground saturation, more rain coming, and possible high winds, large trees will be toppling and our little house is in the middle of many growing in sand which doesn't hold roots well in high winds.
    God will see us through this. Praise and Thank God!!!
    Have a good weekend.
    God bless.


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