Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sorghum Molasses Butter with Whiskey ~ From Pile to File

I have found yet another way to use sorghum molasses - flavored butter for winter squash, sweet potatoes, or carrots.  If you don't want the extra brown sugar on your acorn squash this winter, it is a nice substitute.

I mix 1 cup softened organic butter, 1/2 cup sorghum molasses, dash of Worcestershire sauce, 2 Tbsp. of whiskey, and a pinch of salt (or to taste). Refrigerate.  I found this best to mix with an electric mixer or hand beater.   

New recipe I tried - Black-eyed pea salad.  With a few jalapenos from our garden, and some of the our tomatoes, it was a quick and easy meal. I had just enough flat leaf parsley for it too. 

This recipe made it from "pile to file."  One recipe tried, phew!

It's from Woman's Day magazine.  I hate to add links, but if you google the magazine and recipe, the recipe is online.  This would be nice for group gatherings and potlucks.  If you are lucky, the organic section of your store might carry the canned peas. 

The weather has been cloudy and cool lately.  I was almost tempted to heat up a mug of homemade hot chocolate.  I might even do that today.   Dinner tonight will be easy burritos, using up a few straggler tomatoes, and maybe the one straggler jalapeno pepper I picked.  Pinto beans go in the crockpot with water, sauteed onions and garlic and cook all day.  I don't add salt until 3/4 of the way through cooking time. Then I mash them for dinner.  This will give me time to deep clean again today.  

Who knew that walls, windows and doors could get so dirty over summer?   Who knew magazines could pile up so high either?  Who knew one could rack up 13,000 steps from just cleaning the house?


  1. That recipe looks like one we tried years ago... from a magazine I forget which one.
    It was delicious!
    I'll have to try this again since I'm all about more veggies/ complex carbs... I love a good bean salad!
    Cleaning does rack up the steps! Go YOU!
    I'm on a cleaning spree right now too. With all the kids gone back to school- I can really see which of the messes ARE NOT from the kiddos. ;)
    Of course there are things that need doing after a slower paced summer.

  2. Good for you! I love sorghum and sorghum butter with whiskey...yum! I'll have to try the pea salad and I love anything that can go in the crockpot. You ARE deep cleaning if you racked up 13,000 steps. I only seem to be to get that many if I also walk 3 miles. LOL! Obviously, your house is cleaner than mine! For along time I have been a Fall cleaning person as opposed to a Spring one. Although at my house one cannot clean often enough. Have a great day!

  3. Patricia, the salad is a healthy dish and pretty inexpensive to tmake too. I am taking another load to the thrift store....woo hoo!

  4. Sam I Am, I am finding dust balls in too many corners. I love to fall clean too.

  5. Mmm, that black-eyed peas salad look yummy.

    I like your "pile to file" phrase. Boy, do I ever need to get busy with my cut out and saved to make someday recipes. Sometimes I wonder if I should just toss them all out and not have them hanging over my head. But what if I toss a recipe that is a fantastic winner and becomes a much asked for favorite? Ha! There's always that possibility! :o]

  6. It's pretty difficult to winnow out my own recipe stack when you keep putting great recipes on your blog! What an interesting combination - I bet it tastes wonderful. I haven't found organic black-eyed peas canned, but I can find them dry. I will have to try that salad!

  7. It's pretty difficult to winnow out my own recipe stack when you keep putting great recipes on your blog! What an interesting combination - I bet it tastes wonderful. I haven't found organic black-eyed peas canned, but I can find them dry. I will have to try that salad!

  8. Mama Pea, I was afraid to throw them out too, so I hope to try one new recipe each week (or two).

  9. Susan, I am now looking for organic dry ones too. I have not found them in stores, but I found organic canned online with a health store we sometimes order from.

  10. This all sounds so good. I'd love to try that Black-eyed Pea Salad in a burrito or taco. Yum!!!
    Have a good weekend.
    God bless.


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