Thursday, August 13, 2015

Random Tidbits ~ Needle Tatting

I am starting the day with breakfast on the porch, although a bit later than normal for me.  I need a peaceful moment with nature first.  Hubby is home too, so he'll join me too, before the kids get up.  We are letting them all sleep in.  The kids went to the movies in Son's new car last night.

Son is happy with anything I cook lately, as the food he has eaten at the chow hall was all processed.  He's pretty proud to see his 16 year-old sister can grill meat very well too.  She's my go-to grill girl now.

We are still cleaning the house, but my two younger girls are giving me resistance.  Their 18 year-old sister is working almost every day now, so the work load falls on them now.

Today the bathrooms get a top to bottom cleaning.  If the bathrooms are clean, I'll be happy, even if we don't get the rest spotlessly clean. 

Last night, Hubby ran into a friend of extended family, who was heading to a different Farmer's Market.  By the end of the evening, we were meeting up with her to pick up the organic bell peppers she found for us.  Yay!!

I'll be freezing those today - 13 green and 7 orange.  They were all out of the red.  Phew!  I'm gaining, even if I have to buy it all this year.  I may have access to some free pears this year too. Not sure just yet.    

I see the place we typically buy vegetable plants from is closed and is up for sale now.  Not sure where we'll get our plants next planting season.  Another reason to build our own green house.

 More gladiolas are blooming here.

And more zinnias are blooming.  I am planning on planting more colors of gladys next year, along with more perennials.    We'll see next spring if my method of mole protection worked, before I plant more tulips.  I found out that you can put branches of elderberry trees in mole tunnels to get rid of them.  This year, I tore up fruity chewing gum and placed it in the mole tunnels.  They think the pieces of gum are grubs, and they eat it and die.  My kids think I am terrible, but we live next to a river, and moles like wet places.  Sorry moles, there is no room at the "Inn" for you here.  So far, I've seen tunnels in one other place (not all over the front yard and by the flower beds).  Of course you can pee in the mole holes if you have good aim too.

I have a few weeds that need pulled too.  Hopefully I can get time to do that too (or I could just tell folks they are pretty yellow flowers with thorns I planted to keep the barn cats out, ha ha!)

I tatted a short piece of thread to add some flare to the bathroom cabinet.  This tatting pattern is easy and I made it in two days (two short visits to the porch). I bought this antique cabinet for holding toilet paper (when we first moved in).  We have zero cabinets for linens in either bathroom.  My towel "cabinet" is a vintage metal laundry basket.  One that typically would have wheels and folds down too.  I used silver tacks to hold the tatting on, so I can replace it or remove it or change the color.  Now that I took this photo, I think it's time to consider painting the bathroom.  Hm...  adding that to next year's possibilities.

Sharing a pair of earrings I bought during one of our trips to the island.  Hubby even thought they were cute.  So now I have camper earrings and a camper necklace.

I need to to an inventory again, so I can see what else I need to stock up on.  I know I need to make onion soup to freeze.  That came in handy and we used all that I froze the year before.  I need more meatballs too.  I know for sure, we need fish in the freezer.  I'm drying peppermint this week, and hope to have mullein dried soon (for medicinal teas).


  1. I am so in awe of your tatting talent. I can't even imagine creating anything so small and lovely. Glad you are finding your vegetables - even though it's not from your garden. I truly feel that next year is going to be a good gardening year - the last several have been challenging. We are due! (Cute earrings!)

  2. Thanks Susan, I enjoy easy tatting. I'm still chopping those peppers at 1:38pam, ha ha! Yes, we are due for a good garden year.


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