Saturday, August 15, 2015

Books ~ Reliable Sources

It's "party" day today.  I'm off to mop the kitchen one last time.  It rained last night, so hopefully it will be less humid outside today too.

We are still working on the "big" barn project.  I may have more news by Monday.

After today's chin-dig, I plan do a bit if sitting. I have many library books to read yet.  

I have found good "root cellar recipes" to try in this book.  I don't always like a "prepper" cookbook as much.  I'm finding some of the cookbooks use processed foods in many recipes.

I still try to read the real books for my reliable sources, as I have had bumps in the road with internet sources.

I found several recipes one day on the internet, but I give one source (Herbalpedia) two thumbs down.

One recipe I tried was the Golden Pumpkin-Calendula Bread.  The person or person(s) responsible for compiling the recipes, left out a few sentences to the recipe.  I went in search for the book it came from, and found the original recipe.  My loaves were about 1 to 1 1/2 inches high, and the bread had bland flavor. 

My bread did not turn out that great.  In fact, I think I will simply add the petals to a pumpkin recipe I already use, and love.

I better ska-doodle.  Maybe I can get Hubby to pull the go-kart out, put air in the tires, and get it running.  Just maybe.  It's been in storage for over a year now.  If not, we'll still have fun. 


  1. Hope you have a fantastically great celebration. Then collapse with all your interesting looking reading! You will have earned it. ;o}

  2. Mama Pea, we tried to fire up the go-kart, but it would not start. Either way we still had a nice day (although the weather was humid). I am looking forward to a slow day today.

  3. I hope you all do have great fun.
    I hope everyone reading has a good Sunday too.
    God bless.


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