Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blooms ~ Blue Sky ~ Vintage Find

The flower beds are creating new color, and the gladiolas are blooming now.  The phlox is drawing attention to large butterflies and we are enjoying them.  Evidently,
Sassy (barn cat) thinks they are fun to play with (butterflies).  We had to chase her off so the butterfly could enjoy the flowers.  They love my zinnias too.   The wrens were singing. and the hummingbird joined us on the porch for porch time when Mom came for a visit yesterday.

It looks like today will be a beautiful, sunny day.  The sunrise was gorgeous.  As gorgeous as it can get in our parts.

Yesterday the clouds were the big fluffy kind, that were fun to watch.  Hubby saw me taking photos and laughed.  It reminds me of the days I'd put blankets in the yard and watch the clouds with the kids.  We'd discover a shape, call what it was, and watched it change.

The locust have been singing here lately.  My mums are even blooming.  The other day I found a shell hanging from my clothesline.  Winter is coming early?  That's not good.  I'm not ready, so mother nature better slooooow down.

I removed the locust shell and played a joke on the younger two girls.  They were at the computer playing a serious game of mad lib.  The older two girls were sipping coffee at the other kitchen table.  I motioned to be quiet and I reached in between the younger two and hooked the locust shell on the front of Youngest Daughter's shirt.  She looked down, and a few seconds later she was jumping straight out of her chair screaming, throwing the shell at her sister next to her, who proceeded with screaming and jumping out of her chair (who also ran into the bathroom and locked herself in).  It was so funny, that I wish I had filmed it.  We all got a good laugh.

My recent road trip also involved walking through a few antique stores.  My find?

This very cute camper planter.

I know it doesn't match anything in my house, but that is the fun part - finding a way to use it.  I thought about putting a house plant in it, but I may use it to hold something else.  Hm.

Well, it's a good day to get the coop cleaned, and give my ladies a clean layer of straw.  They are enjoying all my treats lately. With the goats gone, the tidbits of treats go to them - peach peelings, green bean ends, squash seeds, etc.

There hasn't been any bread baking here lately, so that is on my list of to-do's.  Not sure what's in store for this next week, but I do plan to be busy stocking up.  Maybe I can finally get Hubby to cut down one dead tree.  Then again, his truck is broke down again, so that is one more interruption in getting work done.  The dead tree by the driveway has to come down and out of the way before August 19th (when school starts and the school bus uses the driveway). 

. . . . .  hi ho, hi ho, off to work we go!  Never a dull moment.


  1. Your garden may have floated away, but isn't it wonderful to have all your beautiful flowers blooming? So, so pretty and colorful!

  2. Mama Pea, I was worried I had not planted enough zinnias, but they are starting to bring in more color (and an affordable way to do it). I'm on my second rain barrel of watering flowers now - two barrels left. Kind of weird - pouring rain for months and now so dry I have to water. I guess we are getting rain coming our way next week or the week after.

  3. Your flowers look pretty...
    nothing is blooming here now.
    The hospital visit to Dallas left the yard and plants/ garden unattended... so it's all pretty much dried up.
    The locust are fanning their wings here too...making the song heard, does that mean an early winter? Because this is normal for August here...
    that little planter is SOO CUTE! A little succulent would be nice in there ...since there is a cactus on the outside of it anyway.
    But, I find myself using planters and hold phones while they charge, eye glasses, or even veggie scrubbers at the sink! could use yours to hold those cute coasters you crochet. ;)
    Whatever you fancy, right?!

  4. Patricia, using the planter to hold the coasters is a great idea, thanks! The locust have been singing since July here. I'm told that means an early winter.

  5. That camper IS cute. I wonder if it use to be a cookie jar and had a lid that got broken. I have several lidless cookie jars that I got cheap that I stick plants, etc. into. Just have to put some gravel in the bottom for drainage or use it as a plant sleeve with a smaller draining pot inside.
    The iris and phlox is pretty. We use to have many red and yellow irises along the foundation at the front of the house. Only a few come up anymore, I think because rain ponds there during hard rains and maybe the bulbs rotted.
    Ya'all have a great week.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I was worried about putting a plant in it for that reason. I want to retain it's vintage life. I'm tickled I found it.


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