Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Menu ~ New Recipes ~ Tidbits

The rain has a way of slowing me down a bit, and relaxing even more. Yesterday was a good day for party planning, shopping, and best of all, baking.  

Oh, and some healthy tea drinking.  I brewed a tea for eye-sight health.  I just love this tea infuser!

While weeding the other day, I dug potatoes from another row and got some goodies. Mmmm!  My green onion is looking great now too.

I actually sat down and wrote out my menu for this week, and I'm trying three new recipes.  I'll be letting you know the family rates the new ones.  For the salmon burgers, I substituted organic oatmeal for the breadcrumbs and eliminated the bun. 


Tuesday - Wild Alaskan Salmon burgers (new recipe), Millet cooked with organic vegetable broth (for the vegetarian, mixing the millet with the asparagus) and asparagus, and homemade strawberry/oatmeal bars (new recipe).  

Taste testers results?  These were wonderful!  Had I thought ahead, we could have topped them with a slice of tomato, but I would have had to buy them.  Tartar sauce (we make homemade with a non-gmo mayo and home canned pickle relish) is great on them too.  One daughter put my home canned corn relish on her fish, and she said it was delicious.

Wild Alaskan Salmon Burgers

(adapted from Bottom Line's SuperFoods Rx, by Steven Pratt, MC and Kathy Matthews)

20 oz. wild Alaska salmon, boneless, skinless
2 lemon juice
2 Tbsp. organic Dijon mustard
1 cup ground organic oatmeal
1/2 cup green onion, snipped into small pieces
2 eggs

Depending on how you buy your salmon, drain and flake it.  Combine the lemon juice with the mustard and add to the salmon.  Mix in the ground oatmeal and green onions.  Mix in the two eggs.  Form patties and cook in a stove top pan with olive oil until golden brown.

I'm sure you can cut this recipe down to make just a few as well.  Some of the kids asked for seconds, they loved them so much, and Hubby took the last one to work for his lunch today.

These were delicious. The kids opted for a dallop of non-gmo whipped cream on top of theirs.

Wed. - Garden potatoes/garden green beans/bacon dish.  Leftover strawberry/oatmeal bars for breakfast or snacks.

Thursday - Sesame Noodles with Spinach and Zucchini Saute (using the last of our shell peas in place of soybeans) - Trying another new recipe!

Friday - Roasted (home raised) chicken, whatever garden veggies are ready to harvest

Saturday - Birthday Party for our 16 year-old and her friends, grilled meats, radish relish, pasta salad using our pickle relish, cake and ice cream etc.

Sunday - Leftovers.  If there are any left.

Over the last week or so, we have seen a few deer out eating in the fields. 

A Mom and her baby.  We all ate dinner on the porch last night, and afterwards, these two came out to eat their dinner -  soybeans.  This is why I don't eat local deer.  They eat the crops and all the poisons that come with it.  Anyway, this is also why we moved to the country.  We watched these two for almost an hour.  The baby deer was jumping, playing, romping and running.  It was pretty amazing to just sit and watch them.

The rain came down pretty good yesterday, and things are very wet today.  I'll have to wait until evening to check the garden.  It looks like we'll get some sunshine today. 


  1. Wow! Look at those potatoes! Nothing better than fresh dug potatoes from the garden. And those salmon burgers look wonderful. I'm going to try those. Thanks for passing along the recipe, Kristina.

    We have yet to see any of this year's fawns, but when the mamas do bring them to our small field, it's better than watching TV (THAT'S for sure). Sometimes we even see three or four adult deer romping and chasing each other around in fun.

    Happy Birthday to your 16 year old. Hope the party is fantastic.

  2. Mama Pea, we really liked the salmon burgers. Watching the deer is definitely much better than TV, ha ha! The party is a bit later than her birthday, but it's an overnight party with her friends. If it rains they'll be packed inside the house.

  3. I never thought about the deer eating the beans that have been sprayed...duh! I used to watch them in the fields too.
    The salmon burgers sound great and those strawberry rhubarb bars look tasty too!

  4. I love seeing the picture of the deer! I hadn't thought about them eating the spray insecticides on the crops! Good point.
    Are you buying salmon steaks / fresh caught Salmon or canned? Does the canned have soy like most of the tuna? I've gone off Tuna Trying to eliminate it from the diet.
    But the last time I made salmon patties - I actually liked them. At the time I didn't think to check for soy content.
    All things to pay attention to!

  5. Sam I am, we had sick deer in our state, so I've stayed away from it.

  6. Patricia, the original recipe suggested wild canned, but look for it without soy. You might find it in the organic sections of stores.

  7. The menu sounds good, but be careful of the salmon cause there's some GMO salmon out there. Many stores have refused to sell it, but so far, Costco is holding out, ignoring the petition from more than 300,000 customers not to sell it.
    Have a good weekend.
    God bless.

  8. RB, thanks for that tip. I generally try to look for that first.

  9. Menu sounds great - will definitely be trying those burgers.
    Would love a drop of rain here!

  10. Emma, they were really good. We got more rain all day Sunday. It flooded of course.


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