Thursday, June 11, 2015

More Rain ~ More Jam

I'm canning more jam.  More strawberries went into the freezer, but I have four quarts left.  It rained off and on, so I could not get into the garden early anyway.

After the first morning batch was made yesterday, I was summoned to take school photos (albeit a bit late this year).  We do not purchase many school photos, due to the high cost, and the girls like to pick out their background here on the homestead.  
We dodged a rain shower, and got some decent photos.  

Jam utensils were cleaned up and we started the process all over again.

I got a good hour of weeding done in the garden.  I was surprised at how some of it was already dried out (lots of wind).
I was hesitant to clean the chicken coop, with the sporadic rain, so I left it for today.  

I am able to start back on my kitchen cupboards now.  I got another touched up, and ready to add hardware to it.  I am simply squeezing that job in, in between my other chores.

I don't have photos, but Youngest Daughter mixed up homemade pancakes (and sausage) for our breakfast - we mixed in fresh strawberries and frozen blueberries.  Yum!


  1. I'm jealous of you having strawberries to eat and can already. Ours in the garden won't be ready for 3-4 more weeks yet. I popped the blossoms off the new berries yesterday (hate to do that!) and I fear what is remaining of the old bed will give us only enough to eat fresh. But that will be enough to keep us going until next year . . . or it will have to be!

    I didn't have to dodge rain showers yesterday, but rather onslaughts of black flies. I think I'd rather have the rain!

  2. Mama Pea, we have everbearing strawberries in our raised beds, and they did terrible this year. I want to pull them all and plant larger berry plants. The strawberries were delicious in our pancakes today, although I could do without the syrup and extra butter, sigh...

  3. Yum strawberry jam. We are getting enough to eat each day but not enough to make jam - off to market tomorrow morning to see what I can find there!
    I was doing so well at not being hungry until now - but the idea of panckes, sausage and berries is just too much for my will-power to handel.

  4. Emma, we are really enjoying them, and our leftover pancakes were dinner last night too, ha ha!


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