Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining the Happy Homemaker Monday today.  I have not done this for a while, so here I go...

The weather in my neck of the woods. . .
 70-80's, dry for a few days

Things that make me happy. . .
  A clean house.
  Completed (big) jobs.
  A good book
  A day at the beach
  Porch time with Hubby
  Harvesting something from the garden

Menu for the week. . .
 If I have any radishes out in the garden today, I'm at least roasted them with onion and brussel sprouts.  Otherwise, I have no menu.  

What's on my TV today. . .
 Netflix - Cedar Cove

Looking around the house. . .
 It's a mess - typical when we have a garden and a wood stove to prepare for all summer.

On my to-do list:
 water and dead-head outdoor flowers
 make peppermint spray for roses
 trim roses
 let chickens out
 laundry - on and off the clothesline
 check for radishes 
 spray greens with homemade bug spray
 weed cauliflower, broccoli
 weed out onions
 weed out the remaining carrots
 pick any ripe wild berries
 finish weeding front flower bed 
 feed dogs etc
 water chickens and fetch eggs
 cut herbs to dry 


 indoor work if we have any time......or when the kids run out of energy and head inside before I do

New recipe I tried or want to try. . .
 I recently tried a new radish relish recipe (canning).  Delicious!

In the craft basket. . .
 Christmas items, and I'm knitting a dishcloth

Looking forward to this week. . .
 Honestly, just some porch time after a long hard day of work. 

Tips and Tricks. . .
 Applying organic apple cider vinegar to poison ivy/oak/sumac, helps dry out the poison.

My favorite blog post this week. . .
 I haven't had time to catch up on all the blogs I follow.  

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers). . .
 Nothing to share today.   

Favorite photo or picture. . .


Lesson learned the past few days. . .
 Don't wear flip flops into the chicken coop with nail polish on your toenails.  They will think it's food, ha ha!

On my mind. . .
 ...bills, big jobs we haven't even started yet, dogs, needs, winter stock up, porch time

Devotionals, scripture reading, key verse. . .
 James 1:12 "Blessed is the man who preserves under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." NIV


  1. Looks like a busy week for you. Those canned radishes sound interesting. And love your devotional! Have a great week.

  2. Good to see your Happy Homemaker Monday back! Maybe this winter I'll develop a "special" day for my blog. Maybe. Maybe not. :o]

  3. Tamy, the relish is wonderful. I found a recipe online. I hope your week is great too.

  4. Mama Pea, it does keep me on task with my chores for the day. Some times it motivates me to dig through my recipe pile too, ha ha!

  5. Such an encouraging verse today!
    Your tip is hilarious - I've never thought of that but will have to keep that in mind with our chickens!
    Porch time with your husband sounds lovely!

  6. Laura, my kids just thought it was so funny I about my toes getting pecked at. Hubby and I just had a few minutes on the porch, yay!

  7. My heart is filled with joy knowing I am not the only one who goes into the chicken pen with open toe shoes. My preferred wear CROCS!
    My husband thinks (knows) I am a bit loopy! I don't care!
    And yes the girls peck at my toes too!

  8. Your list of things that make you happy, could have been written for me. I found myself nodding to them all hahaha

    Oh my goodness on the flip flops and painted toe nails. OUCH!

    Have a wonderful week :)

  9. M.E., ha ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one to do that (open toes).

  10. Sandra, writing that list makes me have a hankering for camping now, ha ha! I did get some porch time with Hubby yesterday. Yeah, chickens are pretty some times.

  11. I loved this! The list of happy things and lessons learned. I'll have to catch up with the flip flop story. I've not had a chance to read many blogs this week.

  12. Patricia, thanks. The flip flop story is in the previous post the same day I think (kind of funny too).


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