Wednesday, June 24, 2015

First Homegrown Shell Peas

While checking the garden I saw one plump shell pea pod.  I picked it to see check the size, so I know when to start picking them.  We even tasted these gems of goodness.  I can't believe I haven't grown them before, but you can't grow everything.  Or can you?  Hopefully, in a few more days, I'll be blanching our first shell peas for the freezer.  I took the pea pod out to the goats, to see if they would like it, but they all turned their noses up. 
The berry picking continues.  I should have enough to start canning jam.   Looks like a dry day today, so maybe weeding will continue.  I saw one jalapeno on one plant yesterday, but no green peppers just yet.  One zucchini plant is dying.  Hopefully the garden will have the chance to completely dry out and catch it's breath.


  1. Your pea looks incredible as do your berries! I look forward to seeing your jam! And yes....I hope we can dry out as some of my perennials are even rotting from too much rain. Happy gardening friend! Nicole

  2. Thank you Nicole. We hope to get more ripe berries later today or tomorrow. The rain really plumped them up this season.

  3. I have been picking peas for a week or so, sadly I never ever get enough to keep only to eat... I ADORE fresh peas

  4. Those berries look wonderful! At least all this rain is good for something...hope you get a nice dry spell so you can catch up with everything.

  5. If you feel brave, you can make a soup using the pea pods (basically, you cook them in broth/water, puree and strain to remove the fibrous bits, then stir in sour cream/plain yogurt and season to taste) or, as I did last summer, make pea pod wine :D It's pretty good--light, like a pinot grigio type wine.

  6. You've never grown shell peas before? They are just about our favorite frozen veggie over winter. I blanch and freeze A LOT of them. Good you have all those helping hands still at home to shell them! When they're fresh, they're so good tossed in salads. Enjoy!

  7. longtime wife, I am pretty sure we'll only get enough for eating this summer. Next year, I'm planting a lot more.

  8. Susan, the rain really plumped the berries this year.

  9. Cris, thank you for that tip. Otherwise they'll go in the compost.

  10. Mama Pea, you were my inspiration to plant them. We plant a ton of sugar snap, but for some reason I never thought to plant shell peas. I picked some more last night too. I will have to try some on a salad now. Mmmmmm!


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