Monday, May 11, 2015

Royal Treatment

My birthday (and Mother's Day) started with an awesome breakfast made my chef-in-training daughter (15 yo).  She made a bacon/veggie omelet.  Delicious.  I love bacon.

Although sitting on the porch all day, sipping iced tea sounded nice, I could not help myself with planting the 2 flats of marigolds. It rained off and on, but there I did accomplish a lot.

Now I do have seeds saved.  Hubby just went nutso.  I'll be putting my seeds at the edges of the veggie garden, so no worries on waste.

At one point in the day, he just shook his head and laughed, "your birthday and Mother's day?"

He bought a potted plant for the rooster planter too.  The grass looks like feathers. I got all the marigolds planted, but need to weed the back portions of all the flower beds yet.  We did weed and plant some in the mailbox garden as well.

The girls gifted me two garden solar lights - a humming bird and a butterfly.

I also got this absolutely beautifully hand painted (oil painting) rooster from my 18 year old.  She is very artistic, like her brother, and could very easily sell art for extra cash in college.  It's Mazda, our very first rooster here, who helped name the place.  She also wrote me a two page letter thanking me for things (for Mother's day).  It made me laugh and cry.

I received very nice cards with hand written sentiments, and another letter from youngest.  I received many, many text messages as well.

Hubby and the girls helped prepare and grill camper potatoes, chicken/veggie kabobs, chicken grilled in barbecue sauce and pineapple juice, and grilled yellow squash.  Dessert was a surprise cake.  They also bought me organic pineapple (nongmo) frozen juice bars for a snack when I'm out in the heat.  They are expensive, but oh, so wonderful.  I'm going to try and make some myself when the busyness slows down.

While they were grilling, I called Mom and wished her a happy day, and invited her over, but she was already heading to younger brother's house for a Mother's day dinner.

Lastly, youngest gave me a pedicure.  I told her not to do a manicure, because I'd be digging in dirt for many days to come.  My toe nails are a pretty red now.

Potting soil is first on my list today.  I have herbs to plant.  and many are going in large pots I already have in the garden barn. Then it's back to the vegetable garden.  I have not located leeks to plant yet, and we cannot find hot banana pepper plants this year. 

I really can't wait to get my greenhouse some day, so this won't be an issue.  We are trying one other place this week.  We were lucky to get the last flat of cauliflower plants.  And we went before Mother's day.  More and more people are planting a garden.  I'm saving all of my containers for my when I do have my own very large greenhouse. 

And speaking of the greenhouse, the root cellar is still on the list, but the barn salvage company is not interested in the barn.  They want 1800's barns, not 1930's.  So, our work load is high this year.  We're making a list of what we can reuse the barn wood for.  Unless we locate another barn salvage company. 

Well, I'm off to check the weather, so I can plan my day.  I hope your day has something fun in it.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day. I love the Rooster!!! She is very talented. My GD went to art school and now teaches art from kindergarten thru 8th grade. I wish I lived close to you I would love to buy some old barn wood. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Lady Jane, my son did a hand drawing one year, and had an apron made for me with it on the front. I told them if they did some large pieces, I'd put them in the art studio for them. I wish I had more like-minded folks living by me too. I do miss that.

  3. My goodness, what a wonderful day! And your birthday AND Mothers Day? Perfect timing! I will have to say that your children are very talented. That oil painting is really, really good. It is so refreshing to see teenagers who can excel at something other than texting with their thumbs... :)

  4. Glad you had a great day😊. Your kids are very talented. I really want a root cellar. Can't wait to see yours.

  5. Susan, you should read the letter my 18 year wrote, thanking me for things. One was creativity with art.

  6. Denise, thank you! My kids are special and very much loved. Time is the enemy in getting my root cellar in.

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday/Mothers Day! Oh my gosh I just love that painting! Very talented daughter for sure! Glad you even got some digging in the dirt time! Happy belated Birthday!

  8. Nice, and great your kids took some time to do something special for you....

  9. What a great (and productive) Mother's Day and Birthday! Happy both to you :)

  10. What a beautiful painting!
    Your flower bed looks lovely.
    Sounds like you had a great mothers/birth - day.

  11. Thanks Liz, I think she did a great job on the painting.

  12. Emma, I am trying to decide where to put the painting now. I do love it.

  13. Kristina, My toes get as ugly as my nails do digging in the dirt. Course wearing shoes would help but pedicures a rare for me in springtime because of that.

  14. The painting is really pretty.

    I spent Mother's Day tearing the pantry apart, reorganizing it and putting it back together.

    Bro Tom got me a flowering hanging basket and a bag of Hershey Kisses though. It was a very nice surprise!

    God bless.


  15. Lisa, I know what you mean. I scrub and scrub, and the dirt just sticks, ha ha!

  16. RB, that was so nice of him to gift you those.

  17. catching up...
    Happy Birthday! and a wonderful Mother's day to you...
    Looks like you had a wonderful time being pampered and adored by your family. ;)


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