Sunday, May 31, 2015

Off the Grid. . .

It's time to take an "off the grid" hiatus.

I love writing my blog, and reading other blogs, but admit.  I need to go off grid for a week.  Meaning, get off the internet.  Meaning no emails, which will be the hardest for me.  I tend to have a routine when I check emails and write my blog. 

Hopefully, in doing this, I can also read more, crochet more, and organize more.  Not to mention just enjoy sitting and doing nothing at the end of the day.

I know I'll have one long post when I return here.  Or not.  It all depends on the weather too. 

Yesterday was a "four-pair underwear day."  I weeded the onions and peppers out, while Hubby mowed.  The sun was terrible for a while and the rain teased us in tiny showers every now and then.  I kept hearing my mother's voice, "be careful and take breaks because you can have a stroke if you're not careful."  Rest assured, I did take breaks.

Our rain barrels are overflowing here.  I'm so glad it rained.  The garden needed it.  I also planted cumin seeds for the second time.  I read that they are very difficult to grow, so we'll see if I have any success with our climate.

Some good news!  Our daughter who is going off to college this fall, had a job interview yesterday (for a summer job), got hired the same day, and had he orientation that same evening.  Woo hoo to her!   And she can set it up, to where she can work there when she's home during summer or on leaves from school.  


  1. Huge congrats to your daughter on her current situation! Good for her.

    Can understand your taking a week's (or however long you need) hiatus from ye ol' Internet. We'll still be here when you return. Maybe I'll even get caught up enough in the next week (ha!) to get the reply to your last e-mail that I owe you!

    Do what you need to do . . . but don't forget those rest periods!

  2. Mama Pea, I'm getting a huge rest today. It's been pouring down rain since early this morning. It was not expected either, and they are calling for more rain all day long. I just hope it doesn't flood the garden too.

  3. Hoping your garden is safe. I so understand the need to take a break from the internet. Have a great rest.

  4. I didn't proof read my comment. Just making sure I said Hoping your garden DOESN'T flood. Old age is catching up with me. LOl

  5. Totally understand the need for a break... this is the busy time of year for my opinion.
    time to git'er done!
    Congrats to your daughter on her job... enjoy the summer or however long it takes.

  6. Just don't forget to come back - we'll miss you! It's amazing how much time blogging and following blogs can take out of your day.

  7. Completely understood!!!
    Everyone needs a break or change of pace now and then.
    Kudos to the daughter. It's good to have summer jobs all lined up for future summers.
    Enjoy, and remember to take time to smell the posies.
    God bless.

  8. I'm surprised you haven't taken one before this! LOL! I know I struggle in the Spring to keep up with blogging and reading as there is much to be done around here and I don't have half the responsibilities you have! Congrats to your daughter!


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