Thursday, May 28, 2015

Homemade Organic Insect Spray for the Vegetable Garden ~ Random Tidbits

Now that I have many plants in the garden, I have mixed up my first homemade organic bug spray for my vegetable garden.

I found one recipe online.

I've had terrible times with leaf eating bugs, eating away at my collard greens, and other greens.  This year I'm giving them dose of bug protection. 

I'm determined to be able to stock up (and eat) the beet greens and the radish greens this season. 

My green beans are being eaten by something, so they'll get a dose too.  I'll let you know how well this works. 

If I have another spray bottle, I'll be mixing water with essential (organic) peppermint oil, to keep my roses pest free. 

A few heirloom yellow pear (cherry) tomatoes are now on my herb garden, with more basil planted.  I promised Hubby I could squeeze them in somewhere, ha ha!  It's his fault for dragging me to the hardware store for two hours.  I think my fitbit steps were all gained from that visit.

I saw my first butterfly this season.  They just love zinnias, so I try to plant them in all the flower beds.

Well, I had high intentions of a good intentional work out this morning, but I caught a bug somehow.  Most likely from the hardware store, where there are no sanitizer wipes for carts.  My throat is pretty sore, so I'm taking it easy (even though it's the best outdoor weather day this week), and sipping hot teas and rubbing some organic lemon oil and jojoba oil on my lymph nodes.  When that all kicks in, I'll start spraying my vegetable garden for bugs.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for the kids.


  1. I often have problems with bugs making lace out of my early greens, too. Last year I found if I planted the "early" greens about a month later, they weren't bothered at all. (Different cycle of the bugs, I'm sure.) I can get away doing that because our climate often doesn't get too warm for those crops. You would probably have trouble doing that because of your heat. 'Course, you can grow tomaters (!) and I can't, but we won't get into that now. ;o] So far this year, no damage seen . . . but it's still early.

    Hope you shake your "bug" you picked up when you were out and about. That's why I stay home!!

  2. Beautiful butterfly and thanks for the recipe for the bug spray as I need it! Something is eating my peppers and there's some scaly thing on my tomatoes! Just in time!

  3. Mama Pea, I hope the spray works. I would like a nice supply of greens in the freezer this year. Breakfast today is applesauce and toast. Hopefully my own "bug" will leave today too.

  4. Sam I am, you are welcome, I'm about to go out and spray plants.

  5. Be careful where you plant cherry tomatoes because many species come back year after year, even though they don't say so, and will rapidly invade any garden bed you put near them. When we were younger, our Dad let us plant some, but we had to plant them on the other house alongside the driveway, well away from the garden. That worked well. We've even had some come up in the compost pile and by the burn pile here at the house, where some seeds obviously got mixed in with the house paper/cardboard trash the year before (probably off of a paper plate that held a salad), and sprouted this year among the compost and ashes.

    Got all our 'maters planted. Now on to the herbs...parsley, sage & thyme. (No rosemary, not real fond of rosemary...sorry Simon & Garfunkel. LOL)

    God bless.


  6. Thanks RB, good tips! I'm drying more thyme today.

  7. Kristina - Have you ever suspended tied herbs upside down in a brown paper lunch sack and then hung it from a hook to dry?
    Supposedly the herbs fall into the bottom of the bag as they dry and fall off the stems. Then it's just a simple matter of tossing the tied stems and tipping the bag into a jar to get the dried herbs.
    I'm gonna try that this year.
    I gathered parsley seeds that way last year. Cut the flowers when they appeared, tied the stems together with a small rubber band, hung the bunch of flowers upside down in a paper sack and attached the bunch to the side of the bag with a hair clippie, then I hung it from an 'S' hook off the side of a wire shelving unit, and as the flowers dried, all the seeds fell right into the bottom of the bag so I could gather them all up for this Spring. Worked well.
    God bless.

  8. RB, I have never used the paper bag, but this year I would like to save basil seeds and other herbs. My rosemary never goes to flower over the gardening season, so I tend to re-buy if I kill it over winter (our country house is a bit too chilly for it I think). I even tried putting it by the wood stove.

  9. Always thought Rosemary would winter over if planted directly in the ground. Research online says it's not so.
    Good to learn something ever day. Means the old bean is still in working order. LOL
    God bless.


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