Friday, May 8, 2015

Garden Giddiness

Giddy.  The feeling of pure happiness.  That feeling you get when something you planted grows rather quickly.  Or grows at all for that matter.

I was thrilled to see that our potatoes are up. I've never been this successful, this early in the garden season. 

The radishes are up too.  I'm going to plant more, because I have a plan for these.   And that's not all that's happening in the garden....

The shell peas and the sugar snap peas are popping up.  I am sure the carrots and beets will be up after this next rain.  I'm pretty excited.

 Two of our newest fruit trees are blossoming this year.

To see this after about three years, is promising.

We are still getting a few apparatus a day here too.

I finally got 240 onions planted,  and a dozen brussel sprout plants in the ground.  I hope to get more if I can find them. 

We've had many foggy mornings again, and about 10:30am, I snapped this photo.  

The fog has brought us some beautiful sunrises as well.

Hubby and I have been cutting up the fallen trees.  It's a lot of work for sure.  

The pollen count is high today, so I'm donning the biggest pair of sunglasses with a hat.  Garden work must go on, regardless, because rain is coming, and seeds must go in.

I'm looking forward to a restfull evening on the front porch.

We had meatballs and homemade oven fries for dinner last night.  I could go without all that bread, so next time I will look for small, crustier buns.  Again, the meatballs were a hit.  I do see that a nice pile of greens should have been added to that plate.  Shame on me.

My fitbit logged 16,140 steps by bedtime last night.  I hope the scale shows me weighing a bit lighter in the days to come.

On a last note, there was a request for the instructions/pattern to make a Christmas ornament I posted a few years ago.  I'm writing it up, and hope to have it posted soon.  I'm not tech-savvy to embed a pdf file on my blog post, so hopefully it turns out well.


  1. I've NEVER thought of putting meat balls in a bun before!! my boys would love them served like this!!!!
    Glad to see your garden is coming along so well.
    My hubby is suffering (although not very silently!) with hayfever today also.

  2. I've NEVER thought of putting meat balls in a bun before!! my boys would love them served like this!!!!
    Glad to see your garden is coming along so well.
    My hubby is suffering (although not very silently!) with hayfever today also.

  3. Your garden is way ahead of mine! I have a few things in, but none of the seeds have sprouted yet. I love the photo with the deer in the fog!

  4. Your plantings (both in the garden and trees in the yard) are looking good! You'll have an explosion of sprouts when you get some rain.

    I have some meatballs in the freezer which I usually use in spaghetti sauce but your meatball sandwich has given me the idea for some of those. Thanks!

  5. Emma the subs are delicious. Just make sure you toast the bread and use a crusty bread. Otherwise the marinara sauce will make it a bit soggy. We put them under the broiler.

  6. Susan, we've never been able to plant much before May, so this is an exciting year.

  7. Mama Pea, I was surprised that the beets are already sprouting. Hubby and I worked out there again all day, but there is much to plant yet.

    Do use a crusty bread for the meatball subs. Otherwise they get a bit soggy. Also, toast it in the oven first, then top it, and we put it under the broiler.

  8. With all that you make from scratch is there a reason you don't make your own bread?
    Congrats on the garden! Looking good! The fruit trees are so wonderful to have.

  9. Sam I am, I do make bread from scratch, but I have little time to do it this time of year.

  10. I bet the money holder could easily be adjusted to make a snowman or an angel or any one of a number of Christmas appropriate ornaments.

    And I'm envious of all the vegetables popping up at your house. We haven't even started yet - First because we have to wait until the farmer behind us sprays his field to be sure he won't be killing all of our work with Roundup; and Secondly now, we have a tropical storm (Ana) roiling off our coast (she's coming directly our way now but no worries cause she's just a wee one), bringing us copious rain which will do us loads of good in our herb and vegetable planting once the storm passes.

    On another note, through experimentation, I happily discovered some ants simply will NOT walk through chili powder. Now just what I'm going to do with that information, I don't know, but it kept them on the other side of the kitchen away from food prep areas until the Terro drops took hold and killed 'em all.

    God bless.


  11. RB, I know what you mean about farmer's spraying. Thankfully we have a lot of trees on two sides, but I still watch for it here too. That is interesting about the chili powder.

  12. I am sooo behind on my gardening,, I just planted my (small crop) of 'taters... I actually planted them between the tomatoes which will probably be done producing by the time my tater plants get bushy.
    as for my cucumbers (pickling) they are about 4" tall now... and my watermelon plants are getting their secondary set of leaves.. I am gardening a wee bit different this year.. I planted the melons between the cucs, so the cucs will grow up the wire supports and the melons will cover the ground... Should be interesting if this works! lol! Happy Mothers day to you and happy gardening.

  13. Katmom, planting the fruit in the cuc's is an idea I never thought about. I know when I plant my pumpkins in my corn, I never have to weed in there.


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