Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cold Spell ~ Stocking Up Stats ~ Vegetarian Caesar Dressing

After discovering we were to have another possible frost last night, we did not plant the last two flats of vegetable plants.  Instead the mowing was finished, the goats got to enjoy their grazing time (without sun and heat), and I got the joy of cleaning the toilet. We actually had to put jackets on outside.

I had to dig out old sheets and cover the flowers.

Regarding stocking up stats...

Last year I did not keep track of food we put in storage, but this year I will be.  I see that we need more items, and I will be canning the corn and yellow squash relishes in smaller jars (smaller than pint).  We go through pickle relish quickly, so that stays in pint jars.

I cut the first harvest of Thyme to dry.  We go through a lot of this.  Our 18 year-old came down with something recently and she asked what she could put in her bath to help her feel better - thyme, sage and lemon balm.  Those are first to be stocked up. 

I have also been playing around with more healthy snacks in my dehydrator here lately. 

This last one was made from sunflower and pumpkin seeds, a banana, medjool dates, unsweetened shredded coconut, and spirulina.  I shaped them into somewhat small snack bars (vs. crackers) and dried them until firm (a bit crispy on the outside).  It's perfect for when I don't feel like eating and need some more energy. 

Dinner last night was a caeser salad.  I boiled eggs for it too.  And, since we discovered anchovies are in salad dressing you buy at the store, I made homemade dressing for it (vegetarian).

It should be a lighter (more white) color, but I had just 1 cup of Parmesan cheese.  The recipe requires a "packed" cup of cheese.  Either way, it was delicious - Vegetarian Caesar Dressing.

Once our vegetarian daughter is off to college, I'll continue to make this, but with regular Worcestershire sauce (cheaper than the vegetarian brand).  I do like the idea that there are olives in the dressing.  This homemade dressing only lasts 3 days in the fridge.  If we don't eat it all on salad, I'll drizzle it over vegetables or mix it in chicken salad sandwiches.

Today, it's back to the garden.  The work "to-do" list keeps going.  


  1. Thank you for that recipe link. Since I live on salads all summer, I am trying to add to my homemade dressing recipes and this sounds delicious. We woke up to brisk temperatures, too, and the threat of frost tonight and Friday night. Time to pull out the old sheets here, too!

  2. You are welcome Susan. It's very good. I do like the cooler weather, but I don't like covering everything up, ha ha!

  3. Thanks for sharing. We are suppose to get a frost here tonight as well. Blessings

  4. Comfrey is also good for hot baths (as well as tea), and lavender also. I use to put hand fulls of both in an old knee high stocking, tie the top shut with a knot and then tie the top of the stocking around the bathtub faucet, so the water filling the tub would flow over the stocking and herbs before filling the tub with the herbal scents and goodness. I bet you could use old mismatched socks to do this too if they're thin enough.
    From what I recall (though I could be wrong), I think worcestershire has anchovies in it too. Doesn't it?
    Got my 3 leaf lettuces planted in the window boxes, and have the German Queen tomatoes planted in pots too. Still trying to figure out how to do a bed for herbs. We have many pine trees on our property, and the ground is so acidic, so we'll need some kind of a raised bed, but still want it to be ground level so the herbs will winter over.
    God bless.


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