Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Birthday Flowers ~ Red Ladybugs

We woke up to fog this morning, and a two hour school delay.  As you can see, it was pretty foggy.  Yesterday the weather was wacky.  One minute we'd have jackets on, and then next our jackets were off were off.  The cool air kept returning every now and then, and then stayed for the evening.  The wind made it too uncomfortable to enjoy the porch, but Hubby got his birthday flowers he wanted.

All day he kept saying he wanted flowers for three of the hanging porch pots (you can tell that's our favorite place to relax, chat, and just rejuvenate).  He spent most of the early part of the day reading on the porch.  He's say to me, "don't you tell anyone I wanted flowers for my birthday."  Over and over he'd say that.  

Finally we went to the store and got his flowers.  He put them in the hanging pots, and came inside.  "Go take a picture of my flowers and post it on your blog."  So I did.  And here are the flowers.  

The are begonias.  Every year I am the one begging him to go flower shopping, and now it's him, ha ha!  Most years we put petunias or geraniums in the pots, but last year he got a few begonias, and we loved them.  They lasted all season, when the other flowers did not.  We have another hanging planter, but that will have to wait.

Everywhere I look, there are more and more red ladybugs here.  After I took the photo, I see there are two in the photo.  Does that mean we'll have a good streak of blessings this season?



  1. Please wish your hubby happy birthday for me. (We're both Tauruses and I'm sure you're aware of the good and bad that means! Mostly good though, huh? Right? RIGHT??) He did a wonderful job of picking out his birthday flowers. One year I got my husband a Clematis for Father's Day and he loves it.

  2. What a cozy, welcoming space your porch is - the flowers are beautiful! I am going with the season of blessings!

  3. Mama Pea, I will tel him. We too are both May babies. Ha! My birthday is this weekend.

  4. Susan, I would love to see us have a year of blessings. I can't believe the amount of red ladybugs I have seen.

  5. Your porch looks so inviting!
    I like the begonias... I bet they do well for you. The red is so pretty!
    The ladybugs are everywhere here too... I believe it's a blessing just be able to see them...they're so dern small!
    I'm surprised at the school delay due to fog. It's unheard of here.

  6. Happy Birthday to your hubby. Those begonias are beautiful on your lovely porch.


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