Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Herb Garden Happenings ~ Tidbits

The rain came and went on Monday, so we worked accordingly.  I did not, and do not, feel good anyway.

Rain flowed in again Tuesday, but I was able to check in on the herb garden(s).  Today, we were to get bad storms early this morning, but we got fog (and a school delay) instead.  I was happy with it, as I go to sleep in.   Here is what is currently happening (including medicinal herbs) in the herb garden:

Currently have:
Bee Balm
Green Onion
Lemon Balm

New this year:

Grows Wild:

Needs replaced:


The green onions are coming up nicely.

And so our the chives.  

My thyme is turning green again.

My parsley re-seeded itself, so that was a nice thing to see.  I'll start cleaning these beds out closer to May.  I need to reset all the natural stones as well.
I am still painting the cupboard piece, and chairs.  It's one of those projects that takes patience.  I have a few more coats to apply before I can attach hardware to the trash can door. Not to mention the rain needs to stop too.  I tried bringing in one chair, but the house cats plopped right on it, sniffing it from one end to the other.  Afraid they'd mess up the paint, it went back out until better weather.

Hubby and I split some wood (on Monday), and over these past few days, he finally got the electric disconnected from the big barn (YAY!).  This means we can start working on tearing it down and recycling it. 

Our to-do list is getting crossed off, but there are many big projects to do this year, I just hope we can succeed in completely all of it.

We also picked up a bit more wood.  First thing we need to do is split and stack all of the wood.  We need it out of the way to get going on the next big project.

I mixed up a batch of homemade ginger-ale for Youngest and I, but Hubby commandeered some of it.  It's just that good, and comforting.

Meanwhile, I will continue to sip mullein tea, snort saltwater, gargle, lather my nostrils with homemade vapor-rub, and take my elixir.    I plan on napping and resting today too.  I don't have Hubby's help today, to help walk dogs, or care for the goats and chickens, so I can't get too much of a nap.


  1. The green things popping up in your garden are SO far ahead of ours! Not even my chives have peeked through yet. Just too early, I guess. (Who's anxious? Me anxious?? Naaah . . . )

    I know you have a gazillion things you want to work on (even inside) but you have to take care of yourself so you don't start the "busy" season rundown and weakened by nasty germies. Hugs and take care of yourself.

  2. Mama Pea, thanks for the reminder. I keep feeling guilty for not getting much done today. Hubby called, as he is out of town, and gave me a stern "go get back in bed."

  3. Yes, do take care of yourself! I know two daughters who should be pampering their mother!! :) This year I will be doing some major work on my herb bed and would like to start a medicinal herb bed as well.

  4. Susan, I just downed a dose of probiotics, in hopes to feel better soon. I grew chamomile one year, and it did well, but it can't be dried upside down and my cats got into it and ate the tops off (ha ha!). I may try again, and dry it elsewhere on baking sheets.

  5. I had great luck with essential oils for colds...

  6. I love the herb garden. That is a big one on my to do list.
    I planted lemon balm last year, hoping it comes up this year.

  7. Nancy po, I'm using tea tree oil in the bath. I'm hoping recovery is soon.

  8. Sandra, lemon balm is great in soaps and teas too.

  9. Your garden is much more advanced than mine. That's a lovely selection of herbs, we planted calendula a few years back and each year it comes back stronger and stronger.

  10. Emma, that's good to know. I hope to add more herbs each year.

  11. All sounds lovely. Wish I could work more outdoors, but right now, it's yellow pollen season here in NC.
    If you don't have it like this where you live or have never heard of how it is in NC, yellow pollen billows so thickly from the pine and other cedar trees tassels, it's honestly like seeing the heavy smoke pouring off of a forest fire nearby, and when it rains, the roadsides literally flow with thick yellow pollen-laden rain. It's awful, and you can imagine what it does to those with breathing problems or allergies, so those of us who have those things (like me - asthma and allergies), try to stay indoors as much as possible.
    The hard rains we got last night knocked down quite a bit, but we know there's more to come, because at this time of year, there's ALWAYS more yellow pollen to come.
    In a week or two (hopefully), it will be passed and we'll be able to get outside again - first to wash all the yellow off of everything before using it.
    Mother Nature has been raising a ruckus lately some places. Prayers for all facing terrible storms and for all those who experienced loss during them. Be safe ya'all. You are dearly loved.

    God bless.


  12. RB, I can imagine the thickness. Hubby and I went to the island one time, and the cottonwood was flying like rain. Ugh. Terrible for allergies.

  13. I remember trying to picnic once during cottonwood season. We had to cover every single bit of food, every drink, etc., and every time someone opened their mouth to take a bit, a bit of cotton tried to get in. Yuck.
    God bless.


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