Thursday, April 30, 2015

Flower Cup Coaster ~ More Gardening

I'm using leftover scrap yarn from crocheting seat cushions, to make these cup coasters in my very few spare minutes of time (which is about a few nights a week now, ha ha).

I used a pattern I found online, that is initially for a sunflower cup coaster.  I simply changed  out the colors of yarn to make these.

If you have scrap yarn, these are fun to make with any color combination. 

Tiger has already discovered the cozy cushions.  Here he appears to have the look "oh phooey, she caught me."  I really think he was saying, "stop standing there looking at me and fire up the wood stove.  It's freezing in here!"  The day I took this photo it was pretty cold in the kitchen.

We are warming up to the 70's this weekend, so I've been working my rear off in the garden.  We still need to till up more than half of the remaining space yet.

What's planted now?  

.....sugar snap peas (another 20 foot fence), lettuce, romaine, spinach, collards,  and some of the cabbages (green and red).  I also got the radishes planted.  

I still have a few more cold weather vegetables to get into the ground.  I need to plant carrots, beets and my onions yet.

And why so many peas?  Well, Hubby loves to munch on the sugar snap peas raw, or with a dip.  I love them in chicken teriyaki.   This is our first year growing shell peas.

The goats are getting wormed now (sad face), so this means I have to wait to make more cheeses.  Not that I need it, but I do enjoy it when I know where it came from.

It's raining a bit, so no garden planting today.  I'm actually bummed about that.  I have been doing great with progress.

I'm whipping up some hot ginger tea today for inflammation.  My Spring allergies have got to be the worst ever this year. The nettle tea helps, but the ginger really reduces the inflammation.  This morning I am thankful for my cold, lavender eye pack.

Maybe I'll take the "rain" advantage today, and read some of my current Hemingway book.

I hope your day is filled with blessings!


  1. We plant a ton of sugar snap peas too. Like your husband, I love to munch on them raw. Tastes so yummy that way. I start planting all my cold weather veggies this weekend. It has finally thawed out and is above freezing at night consistently.

  2. When I hear of all you've gotten planted in the garden already, I'm tempted to think I'll NEVER get anything out of mine this year! It's a full month yet until I can safely plant much of anything . . . if I don't cover it with a cold frame. But despite our short (that's an understatement!) growing season I always manage to get pretty good crops. It's just so hard to WAIT at this time of year to get started!

    Don't get discouraged about a rainy day . . . it's just what your newly planted seeds need!

    You're fortunate to be wise enough to know natural remedies for your awful allergies. I know you've studied a lot to get where you are on them though. Hope relief comes to you soon!

  3. Mama Pea, every year I take a chance at when we plant. One year, Hubby and I planted almost everything by Mother's Day and late May we had a frost. We had gone away that weekend, so it didn't get covered. We lost almost everything that year.

  4. Heather, for some reason, I can only get my kids to eat the peas cooked. They do make a nice snack though.


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