Thursday, April 23, 2015

Breakfast ~ DInner

Since Hubby made me his famous breakfast omelets (this time he put both bacon and sausage in them), I had to come up with an awesome dinner.

We topped our toast with my homemade caramel apple jam too.

We had very strange weather yesterday.  I kept telling the kids it looked like rain, and soon after they left for school, it rained.  Then around 2:00pm, it snowed.  It got cold enough to fire up the wood stove too.  Thankfully, Hubby and I had restocked a small area of wood on the porch. 

Hubby decided we would not split wood yesterday, so I'd have time to make homemade meatballs to go with spaghetti.  Funny how that excuse got him out of working the wood, ha ha!  We still have a bit of home canned tomato sauce left too.

I used Candy's recipe over at Lazy J Bar C.  I used half for dinner and froze the other half for another meal.  I love that these use oatmeal instead of any bread crumbs, and I don't have to brown them on the stove top.

I made us a big bowl of salad too - arugula, endive, radicchio, and shaved Parmesan.  This was topped with a homemade lemon vinaigrette. We have never tried radicchio, and I'm not even sure we have eaten arugula.

Three meatballs were enough for me.   I used my cookie scoop.  They are the easiest meatballs I've ever made, and delicious.  We used half ground chuck and half ground pork.


  1. That salad of yours looks fabulous! I absolutely love arugula and grow it every year. I tried once to grow radicchio, but didn't have any luck. I should try again 'cause it's always expensive in our organic grocery store.

    I make my meat balls in the oven, too, so no browning in a skillet involved. I just made a fresh batch of them for the freezer a week or so ago.

  2. Yum and Yum! That jam looks amazing as do your meatballs! I am with you on this weather...was snowing here too. Here is hoping spring comes back with warm weather! Nicole xo

  3. Mama Pea, after making a meatball recipe on the stove (many years ago), I never wanted to make them again. I love the oven type. So easy! Hubby is in heaven, as are the kids. You are right, radicchio is expensive. The kids loved the salad too. I am so eager to get more greens in my garden this year.

  4. Thanks Nicole. I made the jam one time, and we are savoring it. It's not the easiest to make, but so delicious.

  5. I'm glad you like the meatballs, which reminds me...I'm out!! LOL!!
    That omelet looks amazing and so does your salad. YUM!! :)

  6. Candy, I love the meatball recipe! I joked to Hubby this morning about making meatball omelets, ha ha!

  7. great meatball recipe. I will be making these...

  8. Lady Jane, thanks for stopping in. Candy's recipe is very good.

  9. Thanks Kate! Thanks for stopping in today too.

  10. I love radicchio, so peppery tasting, and adds color to salads. I like the sound of that jam.

  11. Your supper looks delicious.
    Your weather sounds like weather we have here sometimes.
    It's crazy isn't it?
    I'll have to go and check out this recipe of Candy's.
    ...I just noticed. I have a plate similar to yours. Corell with the brown flower print! ;)
    have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Mary, it does give the salad color and flavor. Yum.


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