Monday, April 13, 2015

Beautification. . .

Hubby made breakfast for the two of us yesterday, and we took it to the front porch.  It was therapeutic to sip hot coffee, and eat breakfast outside early in the morning.

We did barn chores together, including rounding up two goats on the loose.  Hubby had to stop and fix the gate, so they can't escape again.

I actually pulled some dead stuff from the front flower beds, and it felt awesome to start the beatification process once more.

The little kids love to to play outside.  They have already outgrown their goat coats, and just in time for spring weather. 

I put the small bird house back up in the tree, in hopes for some happy birds to make it their home.

I put a cloth table cover on the small porch table and added the cushions, to see if we'll like the new look.  Perfect!  We love it.  Now I have to get the paint job finished and find a vinyl table cover to match the one I have in cloth.

Our porch rooster is getting a few new coats of protectant.  He's out of the rain and sun typically, but it doesn't hurt to protect it.

We had to put off wood splitting, because Hubby worked on another job, but that's okay.  He wanted to quit early and play cards on the porch again.  Our youngest plays cards with us some nights, and recently has been beating us most of the time.  The little stinker she is.  I call it luck.


  1. Isn't it nice to be outside? I love your 'outdoor' room on the porch - red and white is so cheerful!

  2. Susan, when Hubby asked me to paint the chairs and table leg I wasn't sure I'd like it. I think we all like it too. I was outside again today, and weeding my rose bed. I was very nice to get out there.

  3. Lots of spring time things going on at your place.

    We actually had warm enough weather here yesterday that hubby hauled two of the deck chairs out so we could sit in the sun. I even dug out some shorts so I could start getting some sun on my fish-belly white legs. Made two notes to myself: 1) Shave legs, and 2) give myself a pedicure. Quick!

  4. Ha ha ha! Mama Pea you know how to make me laugh. I felt like getting shorts out yesterday, but it poured down rain mid-afternoon.


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