Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Already?!

Heavy winter coats are finally going into storage.
Yesterday was absolutely wonderful outside. I filled my clothesline. 

I brought a few pots to the porch. 

I brought a few wooden chairs to the porch to prime.  I took the cupboard piece to the porch to prime. 

I cleaned a few very dirty windows.

 The goats were all out basking in the sunshine.

All the while, I breathed in the spring air, and listened to the goats, chickens and birds.  It was very peaceful outside, and so much, that I opened some windows.

Then it happened.  

Spring left us.   

Windows were closed.

I wasn't even noon yet.  The sun disappeared, the clouds rolled in, the drizzle started, and the temperature dropped.   And it stayed that way the rest of the day.  We once again fired up the wood stove.  

I ended up warming up with a cup of homemade hot chocolate. 

I walked the dogs for the first time since the tundra melted and dried up a bit, but I had to wear my muck boots.  Brrr!

The cupboard piece was brought inside and primed.

I decided (because you know how I like to torture myself with five projects at once), since I finished another kitchen chair cushion, I'd work up a placemat to match them (and to check color combinations).  I was waiting for Hubby to get back with truck parts anyway, and bottle feeding was soon.  Oh, the bottle feeding......trying to get all my chores and that done is a "hair-puller."

I'm told the weather will warm up to the 70's towards the weekend.  I've got more porch prep on the to-do list, if it does - sweep down spider webs, wash down siding, prime chairs and start painting them, etc.  I am just trying to get all the non-garden chores finished before that starts up.



  1. Send some of that beautiful spring weather our way (even if it does only last until noon!) and I'll get as inspired and energized as you! Still only "wintry mix" (yuck) for us . . . and blast and dang, a warning of very high winds (40 mph)for tomorrow. Oh, well. I guess the winds will help dry things out for us. Batten down the hatches!!

  2. IS April (an excuse, but not a good one). I hate having to start the woodstove on warm days, but cool nights, it feels like I've been defeated somehow. But hot cocoa makes everything better :)

  3. Mama Pea, unfortunately with the warmer temps coming, we are also getting rain. So outdoor work will be delayed again. Hubby has plenty of indoor work (as well as me), but I'm hankering for porch time.

  4. Carolyn, tonight I'm telling everyone to put on flannel jammies and robes. I just don't feel like hauling wood in tonight. I told them to pretend they're camping, ha ha!

  5. So glad to be back catching up with you. Your list sounds like mine except for the goat feeding. LOL!
    We've had the same weather too...I don't know how to dress in the morning. Today I took the girls for a walk and we got back just in time before the sky let loose!
    I have painting to do too. I'm going backwards through your posts so i hope I see the chair pads.

  6. Sam I am, I will post another picture of the chair today too. I just did rounds, increasing them with double crochet.

  7. Kristina's saying Spring left reminds me of our North Carolina Springs which are often very short and quickly blend right into hot muggy 90 degree Summer weather. How often someone has asked me, "Did we have Spring yet?" To which I've answered, "Yes, it was Tuesday afternoon, which is just about the size of Spring many years here. LOL
    God bless.

  8. RB, I remember that sweltering heat when we drove down to NC and SC last summer (for the kids graduations). Oh my, that was heat for sure.


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